Russia to resurrect poster of Stalin, but a weird name in article

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#1  Edited By giyanks22

So Russia is celebrating its victory over Germany in WWII by hanging posters of Stain. Here's some stuff from the article, but there's also something really funny about someone in the article... PS I UNDERLINED IT... 

If there was an award for despicable legacies Joseph Stalin would rank right up there with Hitler and Mao for the men with the most blood on their hands. By conservative estimates the man who led the Soviet Union for 30 years until his death in 1953, was responsible for killing some 20 million people, most of them his own citizens.

His penalty? In May of this year when Russia celebrates it's victory over Germany in World War 2 (victory with the help of all it's allies including America) it will put Stalins face on billboards all over Moscow.

Vladimir Makarov, with the Moscow City Government advertising committee confirms to Fox News Stalin's face will be on at least 10 huge billboards. The exact design is not finalized but he says "we do not say Staliin was not a criminal, we're only saying this man was the Commander in Chief when the Soviet Union and it's Allies defeated the Germans and we can't erase him from history."

Of course not erasing him from history and putting his face on billboards is quite another matter to Russians we talked to in the street.   One woman said "so many people suffered from this man, generations of people who are still alive, families, good smart people simply vanished because of Stalin".

Imagine if Germany suddenly put up  billboards of Adolf Hitler? Unfair comparison? Last year the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe declared Stalin was equally to blame as Hitler for mass genocide in Europe. In fact Stalin secretly made a deal with Hitler to carve up Countries like Poland.

Stalin, vicious and paranoid, arranged for hundreds of thousands of Russians to be spirited away to Gulags or workcamps. He used 'purges' to execute thousands of members of the Communist Party he found to be threatening.  He starved millions of people. But none of those facts and that history will make it to the Moscow City Hall billboards.

Only his role as Commander in the Patriotic War will be posted, but of course the fact many say Russia won the war despite Stalins bad leadership won't be on the billboards either.  None of the facts surrounding his dismissal of his best Generals leading up to the War, his refusal to believe his Intelligence agencies and top Generals warning Germany was about to attack, and in the hours following Germany's attack Stalins refusal to allow his forces to fight back or counter attack won't make the billboards either.

So is it just bad judgement or a mistake Stalin's Soviet image will be polished up and posted on billboards here?  Critics say it goes deeper than that.  The Kremlin is trying to spruce up Russia's image as former Soviet Countries have documented how harsh their citizens were treated under Stalin and others.  And of course the Kremlin needs people to respect authority in a Country which imitates democracy, but according to opposition leaders, has no free and fair elections or free press. So they are starting with Stalin.  As historian Vladimir Ryzhkov put's it "they are trying to control minds, to control understandings of people".

But Stalin will be a tough sell in a Country where people hear stories from their fathers and mothers about what terrible things happened to their relatives under Stalin and his henchmen who came in the midle of the night and took people away. The billboards will bring back those memories and more.
I read that at first, and freaked out when I saw the name. That guy can't be happy that the most popular game/ movie/ book of all time used his name as their lead terrorist  villain. I'd be pissed.
Interesting article other wise, but very biased.
Pretty funny eh. 
What do you think about the billboards otherwise???

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#2  Edited By Video_Game_King

Um...OK? That's the point of all this? A shallow Modern Warfare reference? Decent discussion value watered down by a dumb joke, usually known as Renegade Ego :P.

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#3  Edited By giyanks22
@Video_Game_King said:
" Um...OK? That's the point of all this? A shallow Modern Warfare reference? Decent discussion value watered down by a dumb joke, usually known as Renegade Ego :P. "
Know I mean there are two sides to this. The weird name and the actual story. 
Sorry I should have made that Bad.
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#4  Edited By MarkWahlberg

When did CoD become a hugely successful book and movie as well? did I miss something?

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#5  Edited By Gunner

I told you.. that putin character is trying to rebuild the soviet union.
Not ill be the one laughing when your all speaking Russian and I'm safe inside my bunker with all the ammunition.

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#6  Edited By foggel
@MarkWahlberg said:
" When did CoD become a hugely successful book and movie as well? did I miss something? "
I was asking myself the same question.
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#7  Edited By thatfrood

I'm actually Russian myself, and I can tell you for a fact that I don't like it. It is called the great patriotic war for a reason, because it was the Russian people who bled and died for the survival of Russia. Stalin almost lost that war for us, in actuality. He only began to competently direct the war front after the greatest casualties were suffered, and his direction was limited to simply allowing those generals he had not already killed to do their thing.
So yeah, this is very stupid.
At the same time, I understand the argument being given by the government. It is true, he is a part of our history, we cannot forget that. The comparisons to Hitler and Stalin are both valid and invalid, I believe, however, because Stalin's reign was far longer and... well... less guided. Hitler was scarier simply because his hatred and genocide was guided. Stalin, on the other hand, was simply sloppy and paranoid.

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#8  Edited By jinxman
@ThatFrood: 20 million people dead on his account seems a little worse then just sloppy and paranoid to me.
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#9  Edited By mrfizzy

ok, im not Russian or American but in my opinion, what the russian government chooses to do to celebrate a russian celebration is none of Fox News' god damn business. Its a matter of personal opinion as to whether or not you think that stalin was a hero or a villain or something in between and its not really up to fox to step in and make a call. Whatever happened to journalism being unbiased???  

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#10  Edited By Meowayne

If there was one politician who did an exceptionally poor job at handling Nazi Germany, it was Joseph Stalin.
Edit: But isn't the internet great? 10 posts and we already have a Russian and a German commenting.

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#11  Edited By thatfrood
@jinxman said:
" @ThatFrood: 20 million people dead on his account seems a little worse then just sloppy and paranoid to me. "
I'm sorry, do you want me to say more? Do you think I, a Russian, do not find Stalin deplorable? Is that what you are suggesting? Cuz wow, fucking thanks. I guess if you want me to explicitly state that I think he was a filthy, horrible human being, I can. What I was saying, however, was that he wasn't driven by hatred or cruelty, or even patriotism, he was driven by paranoia, he was a coward, and his cowardice is what caused him to commit such horrible acts. He killed others so that he could remain in power, in fact, that's not even it, he killed others whenever he felt threatened, in any sense.
But sure, write a little sentence suggesting I don't think he's a monster. Okay. You're a clever man, internet guy.
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#12  Edited By mrfizzy
@Meowayne said:
" If there was one politician who did an exceptionally poor job at handling Nazi Germany, it was Joseph Stalin.   Edit: But isn't the internet great? 10 posts and we already have a Russian and a German commenting. "
yeah, gosh i hope it doesnt turn into an argume-oh shit it already has....
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#13  Edited By thatfrood
@mrfizzy said:

" ok, im not Russian or American but in my opinion, what the russian government chooses to do to celebrate a russian celebration is none of Fox News' god damn business. Its a matter of personal opinion as to whether or not you think that stalin was a hero or a villain or something in between and its not really up to fox to step in and make a call. Whatever happened to journalism being unbiased???   "

not to be that guy, but the American media comments on whatever the fuck it feels like, and news that can be skewed to portray Russia being communist (oooooh) is interesting to Americans.
Our news is guilty of it too, the only difference is that very few people here are really concerned with what goes on in American politics, so it rarely shows up. Instead we get retarded "news" reports about Sarkozy's wife.
edit: and, actually, very few people here care about televised news, period. It just isn't a thing here. Most people get it in the paper or online. I can only think of Channel 1 that does stuff like that. Otherwise people just watch bbc russia, which is really just bbc.
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#14  Edited By mrfizzy
@ThatFrood said:
" @mrfizzy said:
" ok, im not Russian or American but in my opinion, what the russian government chooses to do to celebrate a russian celebration is none of Fox News' god damn business. Its a matter of personal opinion as to whether or not you think that stalin was a hero or a villain or something in between and its not really up to fox to step in and make a call. Whatever happened to journalism being unbiased???   "
not to be that guy, but the American media comments on whatever the fuck it feels like, and news that can be skewed to portray Russia being communist (oooooh) is interesting to Americans. Our news is guilty of it too, the only difference is that very few people here are really concerned with what goes on in American politics, so it rarely shows up. Instead we get retarded "news" reports about Sarkozy's wife. "
dnt worry, i live in australia and i read a report about sarkozys wife this morning, oh our media and their tackling of the big issues... 
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#15  Edited By emkeighcameron

Stalin was a god-damn prick. I'm glad this article is out, but trust me, this only touches the tip of the iceberg regarding how terrible Stalin was. 
I'm glad that somebody is calling attention to this stupidity. Stalin should be fucking loathed, not revered.

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#16  Edited By Solarus

Although I can see in an abstract sense what Russia is trying to do by posting Stalin's face everywhere, I think it's definitely the wrong course of action to be taking. In a best case scenario, people see Stalin and understanding his deplorable acts, takes the representation of what his face means as a symbol as opposed to a glorification. 
In a worst case (and probably much more likely) scenario, people will be outraged by the fact that Stalin's face is being displayed in public again, decades after people from Russia thought they would never again have to live under a tyrannical ruler. It's also likely that many people remembering Stalin's rule will be reminded of less happy times. 
I think this campaign is in terrible taste personally.

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#17  Edited By Whisperkill
@mrfizzy said:
" ok, im not Russian or American but in my opinion, what the russian government chooses to do to celebrate a russian celebration is none of Fox News' god damn business. Its a matter of personal opinion as to whether or not you think that stalin was a hero or a villain or something in between and its not really up to fox to step in and make a call. Whatever happened to journalism being unbiased???   "
I'm pretty sure calling Stalin evil isn't being biased 
It's being correct
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#18  Edited By mrfizzy
@Whisperkill said:
" @mrfizzy said:
" ok, im not Russian or American but in my opinion, what the russian government chooses to do to celebrate a russian celebration is none of Fox News' god damn business. Its a matter of personal opinion as to whether or not you think that stalin was a hero or a villain or something in between and its not really up to fox to step in and make a call. Whatever happened to journalism being unbiased???   "
I'm pretty sure calling Stalin evil isn't being biased  It's being correct "
Umm, no, it is being biased because it is stating their opinion of the man. If they wanted to be unbiased they would have mentioned that he killed 20 million people (which is not biased coz its a fact) and then discussed other facts, then letting the reader make up their own mind. If you think he was evil thats fine, if you dont think he was evil thats fine too coz there is no right or wrong answer. Fox is just trying to break it down into right/wrong good/evil because its easier for them to make a story out of it that way. Just to clarify, im not saying that he wasnt evil im just saying that everybody should make up their own mind what he was or wasnt and not be told it by a news organisation.     
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#19  Edited By damswedon

A great man doesn't have to be a good one.
Hitler was a Great leader that ripped his country from the pits of hell into one of the most powerful countries at its time. he also happend to be an evil git.

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#20  Edited By NathHaw
@mrfizzy said:
" @Whisperkill said:
" @mrfizzy said:
" ok, im not Russian or American but in my opinion, what the russian government chooses to do to celebrate a russian celebration is none of Fox News' god damn business. Its a matter of personal opinion as to whether or not you think that stalin was a hero or a villain or something in between and its not really up to fox to step in and make a call. Whatever happened to journalism being unbiased???   "
I'm pretty sure calling Stalin evil isn't being biased  It's being correct "
Umm, no, it is being biased because it is stating their opinion of the man. If they wanted to be unbiased they would have mentioned that he killed 20 million people (which is not biased coz its a fact) and then discussed other facts, then letting the reader make up their own mind. If you think he was evil thats fine, if you dont think he was evil thats fine too coz there is no right or wrong answer. Fox is just trying to break it down into right/wrong good/evil because its easier for them to make a story out of it that way. Just to clarify, im not saying that he wasnt evil im just saying that everybody should make up their own mind what he was or wasnt and not be told it by a news organisation.      "
News has many different parts.  Some of it is also editorial.
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#21  Edited By ahriman22

My Russian friend couldn't care less... His brother on the other hand (Who lives in Moscow), maybe not so much.

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#22  Edited By Bghattas

I'm sure the only place in Russia doing backflips over this news is in Gori, Georgia. The people in Gori are proud of being from the city where Stalin was born. That town is a veritable shrine to Stalin. Read it for yourselves on Wikitravel.

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#23  Edited By Jimbo
@damswedon said:
" A great man doesn't have to be a good one. Hitler was a Great leader that ripped his country from the pits of hell into one of the most powerful countries at its time."
Before taking it straight back there.
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#24  Edited By gamer_152  Moderator

Interesting little coincidence there with the name but I'm kinda of shocked and amazed that Russia are actually doing this.

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#25  Edited By Whisperkill
@mrfizzy said:
" @Whisperkill said:
" @mrfizzy said:
" ok, im not Russian or American but in my opinion, what the russian government chooses to do to celebrate a russian celebration is none of Fox News' god damn business. Its a matter of personal opinion as to whether or not you think that stalin was a hero or a villain or something in between and its not really up to fox to step in and make a call. Whatever happened to journalism being unbiased???   "
I'm pretty sure calling Stalin evil isn't being biased  It's being correct "
Umm, no, it is being biased because it is stating their opinion of the man. If they wanted to be unbiased they would have mentioned that he killed 20 million people (which is not biased coz its a fact) and then discussed other facts, then letting the reader make up their own mind. If you think he was evil thats fine, if you dont think he was evil thats fine too coz there is no right or wrong answer. Fox is just trying to break it down into right/wrong good/evil because its easier for them to make a story out of it that way. Just to clarify, im not saying that he wasnt evil im just saying that everybody should make up their own mind what he was or wasnt and not be told it by a news organisation.      "
Im sorry, but if you think someone who killed 20 million people is not evil... then you have something wrong with you
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#26  Edited By Colonel_Cool
@Gamer_152 said:

Interesting little coincidence there with the name but I'm kinda of shocked and amazed that Russia are actually doing this.

Yeah, it's pretty disturbing how this generation of Russians views Stalin. Russia's government, and Putin in particular, seem to like to glorify Stalin. I don't know why he isn't universally seen as bad as Hitler, despite his extreme opression and mass murder.
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#27  Edited By thatfrood
@Colonel_Cool said:
" @Gamer_152 said:

Interesting little coincidence there with the name but I'm kinda of shocked and amazed that Russia are actually doing this.

Yeah, it's pretty disturbing how this generation of Russians views Stalin. Russia's government, and Putin in particular, seem to like to glorify Stalin. I don't know why he isn't universally seen as bad as Hitler, despite his extreme opression and mass murder. "

do you have anything to back this up? I'm personally from this generation of Russians. I think Stalin is deplorable. Don't just say shit cuz you can.
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#28  Edited By mrfizzy
@Whisperkill said:
" @mrfizzy said:
" @Whisperkill said:
" @mrfizzy said:
" ok, im not Russian or American but in my opinion, what the russian government chooses to do to celebrate a russian celebration is none of Fox News' god damn business. Its a matter of personal opinion as to whether or not you think that stalin was a hero or a villain or something in between and its not really up to fox to step in and make a call. Whatever happened to journalism being unbiased???   "
I'm pretty sure calling Stalin evil isn't being biased  It's being correct "
Umm, no, it is being biased because it is stating their opinion of the man. If they wanted to be unbiased they would have mentioned that he killed 20 million people (which is not biased coz its a fact) and then discussed other facts, then letting the reader make up their own mind. If you think he was evil thats fine, if you dont think he was evil thats fine too coz there is no right or wrong answer. Fox is just trying to break it down into right/wrong good/evil because its easier for them to make a story out of it that way. Just to clarify, im not saying that he wasnt evil im just saying that everybody should make up their own mind what he was or wasnt and not be told it by a news organisation.      "
Im sorry, but if you think someone who killed 20 million people is not evil... then you have something wrong with you "
read the last sentence of my last post and then get back to me. 
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#29  Edited By ryanwho

So before he killed 20 million people he was at the head of defeating the evil empire that killed over 6 million people, so he should be celebrated. Fucking stupid Russia.

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#30  Edited By Whisperkill
@mrfizzy: Yeah i'm talking you specifically, Im just saying people in general
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#31  Edited By PufferFiz

Stalin is like a father to me.
Haters gona hate

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#32  Edited By giyanks22
@MarkWahlberg said:
" When did CoD become a hugely successful book and movie as well? did I miss something? "
I mean no book, movie or game has ever been as sucessful as MW 2.
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#33  Edited By MarkWahlberg
@giyanks22 said:

" @MarkWahlberg said:

" When did CoD become a hugely successful book and movie as well? did I miss something? "
I mean no book, movie or game has ever been as sucessful as MW 2. "

No Caption Provided

 I'd like to know where you learned that little tidbit. What with it being blatantly false and all (assuming, of course, that you are basing 'success' on financial gains). 
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#34  Edited By thatfrood
@MarkWahlberg: He meant how the game improved humanity intellectually and philosophically. In that regard, the game was a tremendous success. How would we know shooting civilians is bad otherwise?
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#35  Edited By MarkWahlberg
@ThatFrood said:
" @MarkWahlberg: He meant how the game improved humanity intellectually and philosophically. In that regard, the game was a tremendous success. How would we know shooting civilians is bad otherwise? "
Ah, but of course. The cultural impact of this game cannot be fully seen in our times. As with Jesus Christ, only by looking back through history will we be able to fully understand the consequences of this games existence. How foolish of me to think only of monetary reward as the definition of success.