Students Protest Against Education Cuts In Britain

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#101  Edited By Ragdrazi

Way to go UK students! Sounds like you guys are doing an awesome job. There's almost nothing to ad. You have the numbers, and that is a rare position to be in. You guys seem like you are over the threshold of critical mass, so just keep it up, and soak it all in.

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#102  Edited By hicks91

these riots are the stupidest thing 
the cuts arent that bad, a few less girls will get to do sociology degrees 
boo fucking hoo 
(:smug: cos science is safe)

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#103  Edited By mracoon
@GunslingerPanda said:

" Yes, student kids, you're entitled to be given everything a silver plate. These fucking whiney, self-entitled little cunts annoy the shit out of me. "

Please tell me how not wanting to pay more for a worse off education makes someone 'self-entitled'?
 @Snail said:

" @Sweep said:


As for the violence

it's hard to pinpoint. When you have a crowd of 2000 people protesting peacefully, what's to stop 20 random dickheads who have nothing to do with the protest from jumping into the crowd and smashing something up? I know our protest certainly had a dozen members of the Socialist Workers Party who are the kind of left wing dickheads who hate the government so much they will try to jump on any protest bandwagon they can find.  
You can't have that many people who all feel exactly the same way, some people are angry and they want to express that anger. In contrast to the stories of violence, after the police van was smashed up it was actually surrounded by a ring of teenage girls who refused to let anyone else deface it. "
Is that supposed to mean something? What are they saying by defending the van? If they weren't idiots they would be at home, or in some other kind of protest.  I find that scenario depicted by the picture that you posted to be completely pythoneseque (since we're talking about Britain here, I can't think of a more accurate adjective). It's like the van is an endangered species all of a sudden. It made me laugh a bit.  If they message conveyed in that pathetic act is to "stop the violence" then I know not what they are doing in that crowd. And what if they did manage people to stop smashing the police van? What did they gain by it? The angry multitude would move on to smash another police/government vehicle or property. Honestly, no matter how noble the intentions of any of the participants may be, these riots are simply pathetic. "
I think you're misunderstanding the situation. During the whole day the worst thing that happened during a mainly peaceful protest was a single police van was smashed. That doesn't automatically make the whole protest a riot but rather shows that mainstream media, in general, want to focus on things that will get them the most views rather than paint a fair picture of the whole event. I'm not saying that vandalising a police van is acceptable, I'm just saying that don't use that as a barometer of the people who were at the protest. If you want a real picture of what happened on the day than read this article written by a person at my uni who went there and was blocked from leaving (as were all protesters there) for about seven hours.
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#104  Edited By Jimbo

It's good that this generation is finally finding a voice, because they are getting the shaft big time from the generation before them (I'm somewhere in between - in the semi-shafted age bracket).  Higher education was free a generation ago (albeit far more selective, as it should be) and now it isn't.  The average house price used to be 3x the average wage and now it's 10x the average wage (the supply is limited in order to keep prices artificially high for those that already own property, and/or force you to rent from those same people).  We used to have a first-rate military and now we are inheriting one which wouldn't even be able to protect parts of our own territory if it needed to (for reference: the US has 11 carrier groups - as of yesterday, the UK has 0).  The previous generation helped themselves to ridiculously generous public pension plans - plans which we'll have to pay for, but which cannot possibly ever be available to us. etc. etc.
It's not just one thing, it's everything taken together.  These kids were born into debt, will be forced further into debt to get an education (an education they need in order to pay off the debt they inherited), and then they'll spend their whole life in debt simply to put a roof over their head.  Not to mention that it's still the case where if you simply cannot be bothered to work at all, you will be fed, sheltered and have your kids raised for you by the working man (because Labour needed to buy three elections somehow).  It's not really surprising that there's all this resentment, because it feels like no matter how hard you try you are going to have your money taken from you to pay for somebody else's life or debt anyway - it's not quite communism, but it has the same demoralising effect and disincentive on effort.
Higher education should be state funded in this country - and I would not resent paying my tax towards it at all - but we also need to get a grip about just how many people should really be going in the first place.  There simply aren't enough jobs in our society which require a university education in order to justify sending 50% of young people to university, as evidenced by how many people come out of Uni and can't get a job, or end up doing something totally unrelated to their degree.  For some - even most - it is a pointless three year jolly which would have been better spent in work / apprenticeship.  University should be free, but it should be for the best and brightest this country has to offer, not for anybody that feels like going.  Pressuring the mediocre into a middling university education (and massive debt) isn't doing them any favours at all.  Have you seen some of the placards at these protests?  A lot of these kids clearly should not be anywhere near a university.

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#105  Edited By Falx

I had 5 hours of lectures and a mid-semester test so I missed the protests.

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#106  Edited By cookiemonster
@Jimbo: You've hit the proverbial nail on the head! 
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#107  Edited By Valco

Just from the point of view of one of the youngers students, this all sems real great; Viva la Revolution ect, but the reality (at least at my school) is a bit different.  
There are two types of people who left: utter ponces who say things like "Viva la Revolution" and people who have got a fucking hope of going to university anyway, and went looking for a fight, or simply went home.
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#108  Edited By Detrian
@ryanwho said:
" @Detrian said:
" Wow people really don't understand how protests put pressure on the goverment? Really? Reeeeaally?  I don't know what's worse, that or the people dismissing the protest because the people dress "funny". "
Who are you quoting there when you quote funny? Your imaginary adversary? "

Protip: Quotation marks have other uses besides denoting speech!
Also hilarious how you are calling people out on vapid statements when that's pretty much all you do.
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#109  Edited By Gizmo
@hicks91 said:
" these riots are the stupidest thing the cuts arent that bad, a few less girls will get to do sociology degrees boo fucking hoo (:smug: cos science is safe) "
Gonna have to agree with you on this matter. 
The new proposals actually make working class students better off fee-wise, with middle class students getting fucked, which I am totally for.
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#110  Edited By hicks91
@Gizmo: it doesnt really screw the middle classes it just makes you consider whether a degree is worth it 
a lot of people go to uni for the "life style"
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#111  Edited By phlegms

We had some in Dublin the other week, way before the Brits copied us. We had a "peaceful" protest and then the riot police kicked the shit out of us. All in all, fun was had. 

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#112  Edited By OmegaPirate
@Jimbo said:
" It's good that this generation is finally finding a voice, because they are getting the shaft big time from the generation before them (I'm somewhere in between - in the semi-shafted age bracket).  Higher education was free a generation ago (albeit far more selective, as it should be) and now it isn't.  The average house price used to be 3x the average wage and now it's 10x the average wage (the supply is limited in order to keep prices artificially high for those that already own property, and/or force you to rent from those same people).  We used to have a first-rate military and now we are inheriting one which wouldn't even be able to protect parts of our own territory if it needed to (for reference: the US has 11 carrier groups - as of yesterday, the UK has 0).  The previous generation helped themselves to ridiculously generous public pension plans - plans which we'll have to pay for, but which cannot possibly ever be available to us. etc. etc.
It's not just one thing, it's everything taken together.  These kids were born into debt, will be forced further into debt to get an education (an education they need in order to pay off the debt they inherited), and then they'll spend their whole life in debt simply to put a roof over their head.  Not to mention that it's still the case where if you simply cannot be bothered to work at all, you will be fed, sheltered and have your kids raised for you by the working man (because Labour needed to buy three elections somehow).  It's not really surprising that there's all this resentment, because it feels like no matter how hard you try you are going to have your money taken from you to pay for somebody else's life or debt anyway - it's not quite communism, but it has the same demoralising effect and disincentive on effort.
Higher education should be state funded in this country - and I would not resent paying my tax towards it at all - but we also need to get a grip about just how many people should really be going in the first place.  There simply aren't enough jobs in our society which require a university education in order to justify sending 50% of young people to university, as evidenced by how many people come out of Uni and can't get a job, or end up doing something totally unrelated to their degree.  For some - even most - it is a pointless three year jolly which would have been better spent in work / apprenticeship.  University should be free, but it should be for the best and brightest this country has to offer, not for anybody that feels like going.  Pressuring the mediocre into a middling university education (and massive debt) isn't doing them any favours at all.  Have you seen some of the placards at these protests?  A lot of these kids clearly should not be anywhere near a university. "
This - jesus christ this. 
I have a group of mates who left college the same time as me - i went and learnt a trade, they went away to university. 
None of them really had a clue what they wanted to do but the overall goal was 'to avoid actual 9-5 working for as long as possible)  fast forward 4 years, and i am still not really doing a great deal however have a decent house, settled down with the mrs. financially stable etc. 
My friends who went to university to do pointless courses they were never going to use, but needed an excuse for a big piss up -have not faired so well. 
One got booted out fairly early for stuff i shan't go into for his sake - another finished his degree however is working at the same place i am now - and the 3rd of my friends is currently on the 2nd year of his course - after finally passing the first year on the 3rd damn attempt. 
Not that it will help him, he spends all his loans (not a typo, plural is intentional) and credit cards and the few hundred quid a month he gets off his parents for food and accommodation on getting trashed, cocaine, Meth and weed and trash he doesn't need - Whenever queried about how he or any of the 8 or 9 people he frequents these ventures with are going to finish their courses and fund the rest of their education they merely state thats to worry about when they come to it , for now they are getting paid to get fucked up and that's all that matters. 
Now sure this is not the case for EVERY student out there, but i can whole heartedly assure you that 80% of my mates on facebook are at uni purely to get fucked - it was a 3 /4 year holiday away from reality - deal with the aftermath when it's over. 
Yet they still felt the need to spout nonsense all week about how concerned they are for their education and their future learning - and how its not fair it will cost them (their parents) more money for them to learn (get drunk cheaper) 
Tldr - jimbo is right, nowadays especially with the economy the country is in a cheap pass to uni is the best thing, 4 years of clunge, cheap booze and mad parties beats a 9-5 any day! And these new cuts will make it so that the next generation of smart people, the bright ones, the ones that will lead society places will struggle through and find a way to fund it if they really really want to!  
The rest of us are about to experiance a fallout in which hundreds of tarted up poncey girls every day will need to find a  new location to say them taking a photograph of a chair and then putting it in greyscale is reason enough for them to avoid work - and hey given how used they are to sleeping around by now, we could all be in for a (diseased ) treat too!
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#113  Edited By ShadowVirus

I'm super pissed about the price increase, I'm hoping to attend University next year and don't want this to affect me, I for one support these peaceful protests, and if I get the chance I will join in.

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#114  Edited By Hamz
@OmegaPirate: @Jimbo: I don't think I could of put it better myself! 
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#115  Edited By hunkaburningluv

It's about time, I don'f for a second condone the fuckwits that are using it as an excuse to run riot, but we are getting fucked by the tories. I understand that there is a serious need for cuts, but it's the fucking poor that are having to pay for the banks fuckup. 
In france there was national outrage and civil unrest (to say the least) due to the increase of retirement age by two years. Look at what we are getting!!! More tax, less benefits for those who need it and now, an Englishman's son will be up to £30k in debt due to this!! 
Thank fuck I live in Scotland where there is free tuition, but that's not going to last long either.

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#116  Edited By goodwood

wow and I thought a 40% increase over the past three years was bad, you guys just got a nice big 300% increase.

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#117  Edited By goodwood
@ZombiePie: nice are you going to a UC or CSU? CSU Chico right here.
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#118  Edited By gamefreak9
Hey don't judge Anarchy based on some kids cry for attention :p. 
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#119  Edited By hunkaburningluv
@ryanwho said:

" @CookieMonster said:

" Theres a hella load of 'I'm cool because I hate on students.' comments in this thread. "

It must be easy living in a world where middle school never ends and the motivation behind everything is "being cool".  But then, if you weren't making vapid blanket statements like that I suppose you'd have nothing to say at all. Maybe next time, try saying nothing instead of revealing how obtuse and simple you are. "
isn't 'whiney self inportant little cunts' not a complete and utter blanket statement? 
There is a load of student hate going on in this thread. 
@Jimbo said: 

" It's good that this generation is finally finding a voice, because they are getting the shaft big time from the generation before them (I'm somewhere in between - in the semi-shafted age bracket).  Higher education was free a generation ago (albeit far more selective, as it should be) and now it isn't.  The average house price used to be 3x the average wage and now it's 10x the average wage (the supply is limited in order to keep prices artificially high for those that already own property, and/or force you to rent from those same people).  We used to have a first-rate military and now we are inheriting one which wouldn't even be able to protect parts of our own territory if it needed to (for reference: the US has 11 carrier groups - as of yesterday, the UK has 0).  The previous generation helped themselves to ridiculously generous public pension plans - plans which we'll have to pay for, but which cannot possibly ever be available to us. etc. etc.
It's not just one thing, it's everything taken together.  These kids were born into debt, will be forced further into debt to get an education (an education they need in order to pay off the debt they inherited), and then they'll spend their whole life in debt simply to put a roof over their head.  Not to mention that it's still the case where if you simply cannot be bothered to work at all, you will be fed, sheltered and have your kids raised for you by the working man (because Labour needed to buy three elections somehow).  It's not really surprising that there's all this resentment, because it feels like no matter how hard you try you are going to have your money taken from you to pay for somebody else's life or debt anyway - it's not quite communism, but it has the same demoralising effect and disincentive on effort. 
Higher education should be state funded in this country - and I would not resent paying my tax towards it at all - but we also need to get a grip about just how many people should really be going in the first place.  There simply aren't enough jobs in our society which require a university education in order to justify sending 50% of young people to university, as evidenced by how many people come out of Uni and can't get a job, or end up doing something totally unrelated to their degree.  For some - even most - it is a pointless three year jolly which would have been better spent in work / apprenticeship.  University should be free, but it should be for the best and brightest this country has to offer, not for anybody that feels like going.  Pressuring the mediocre into a middling university education (and massive debt) isn't doing them any favours at all.  Have you seen some of the placards at these protests?  A lot of these kids clearly should not be anywhere near a university. "

i totally agree with most of your statements, but there is one thing that's a little inaccurate - the pension thing - the tories and the media too have done a great job fooling us into thinking that all Public sector pensions are theses fucking massive yearly payouts. Some are yes, but the same amount, if not more aren't . Most of the general public sector workforce - the ones you deal with daily, will get a pittance. 
I'm a nurse. Probably one of the most hard done by public servants. Our pensions aren't by any means golden. More like carboard. We pay far more in than any other service and get less out at the end of the day. AND we can't retire early like the Fire and Police service.  
The interesting thing to come out of all of this is how the current gov have got us all believing that the majority of the poor and unemployed are on the social just because they can't be arsed working. As someone who deals with one of the most socially deprived areas in the UK, I can tell you that most want to work, they really do, but there are no jobs out there. Yes, there is a good percentage that are on the fiddle, but most aren't but if you'll believe the media and the tories, those who want to work are in the minority......
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#120  Edited By ZombiePie
@goodwood:  Huh, small world. I'm in the History Department with the Social Science Credential Option at CSU Chico.
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#121  Edited By ryanwho
@hunkaburningluv said:
" @ryanwho said:

" @CookieMonster said:

" Theres a hella load of 'I'm cool because I hate on students.' comments in this thread. "

It must be easy living in a world where middle school never ends and the motivation behind everything is "being cool".  But then, if you weren't making vapid blanket statements like that I suppose you'd have nothing to say at all. Maybe next time, try saying nothing instead of revealing how obtuse and simple you are. "
isn't 'whiney self inportant little cunts' not a complete and utter blanket statement? 
There is a load of student hate going on in this thread.  "
But the idea that its being done to act cool is just false. Some people are perpetually cynical, and some people use abrasive language to get their social darwinism message across. If you have a problem with the "haters", address the content of the message. The high road and such. If people are being called entitled who are actually dependent on this for their livelihood then it should be pretty easy to shut down most complaints.
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#122  Edited By GIVEMEREPLAY

I'm disturbed by the kettling but I also think the student cause is too disjointed and unrealistic to prove useful. The socialist students organization is a good example of this. 

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#123  Edited By mikevanpwn
@filthreaper said:
" @mikevanpwn said:

" Yeah!  Go UK!  Protest because the government can no longer afford all the programs you think you're entitled to! "

A government that can't "afford" to educate its citizens isn't a government, it's a power trip. "
A government isn't defined by its ability to fund tertiary education. 
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#124  Edited By CRAzYKiLL3R93

Let me defend the government for a second 
first off we're in a period of austerity, the cuts are necessary and are going to hurt. We can't turn in to Ireland or Greece. Second the poorest families will pay less in the future than they do now, the burden will be felt on middle and upper classes. 
Yes cutting education is horrible, but its unavoidable. Its better that our government wants to get our financial house in order, unlike other countries like the US that like to sweep their debt under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist. 
And no one should ever vote for the Liberal Democrats again, they're a bunch of hypocrites.    

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#125  Edited By ryanwho

I guess its the juxtaposition of cutting funds here then seeing "royal marriage" in all the news that makes this feel like something that would happen in Saudi Arabia.

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#126  Edited By sweep  Moderator

Youtube videos starting to flood in during the aftermath, video here of police horses charging groups of students standing in the street  

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@Jonny7892 said:

About 75% of the people at these protests don't even care, they're just there for the fun of it. I'm pretty sure it won't affect people who are already in university and I think if half the people knew that they wouldn't show up.

This. I finish my BA this year and all my tuition fees have been paid already. I protested by staying in bed.
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#128  Edited By Fallen189

Everyone I saw in the Manchester ones looked like a bunch of self indulgent cunts who had nothing better to do.
I didnt even see one flipped car. Fucking layabouts. People were leaving class to join in. They shouldnt have been allowed back

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#129  Edited By hunkaburningluv
@CRAzYKiLL3R93 said:
" Let me defend the government for a second  first off we're in a period of austerity, the cuts are necessary and are going to hurt. We can't turn in to Ireland or Greece. Second the poorest families will pay less in the future than they do now, the burden will be felt on middle and upper classes.  Yes cutting education is horrible, but its unavoidable. Its better that our government wants to get our financial house in order, unlike other countries like the US that like to sweep their debt under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist.  And no one should ever vote for the Liberal Democrats again, they're a bunch of hypocrites.     "
That's the thing though - I agree cuts need to be made, it's just where the cuts are at the moment - tory policy has always been to keep the upper middle and upper class happy and screw the working class and they are doing it right here. The bottom 10% odds of the population here are going to be worse off and I'll tell ya, there won't be tax breaks in the future when we get back on track. 
Cutting education wasn't unavoidable, there are many other sectors that could have taken the strain - as it stands right now, only the privileged few will be able to attend the more exclusive uni's - what about trident? we don't need a nuclear weapons program, hell and we certainly don't need the replacement for it either. The 8billion we've given to Ireland - where the fuck did that come from? our international aid budget should be reduced too. 
It's just typical tory policies again - fuck over the poor and keep the upper class happy - now the only difference is that the lower/mid middle class are getting shafted too. 
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#130  Edited By CRAzYKiLL3R93
@hunkaburningluv said:

" @CRAzYKiLL3R93 said:

" Let me defend the government for a second  first off we're in a period of austerity, the cuts are necessary and are going to hurt. We can't turn in to Ireland or Greece. Second the poorest families will pay less in the future than they do now, the burden will be felt on middle and upper classes.  Yes cutting education is horrible, but its unavoidable. Its better that our government wants to get our financial house in order, unlike other countries like the US that like to sweep their debt under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist.  And no one should ever vote for the Liberal Democrats again, they're a bunch of hypocrites.     "
  That's the thing though - I agree cuts need to be made, it's just where the cuts are at the moment - tory policy has always been to keep the upper middle and upper class happy and screw the working class and they are doing it right here. The bottom 10% odds of the population here are going to be worse off and I'll tell ya, there won't be tax breaks in the future when we get back on track.  Cutting education wasn't unavoidable, there are many other sectors that could have taken the strain - as it stands right now, only the privileged few will be able to attend the more exclusive uni's - what about trident? we don't need a nuclear weapons program, hell and we certainly don't need the replacement for it either. The 8billion we've given to Ireland - where the fuck did that come from? our international aid budget should be reduced too.  It's just typical tory policies again - fuck over the poor and keep the upper class happy - now the only difference is that the lower/mid middle class are getting shafted too.  "
Lots of other departments are feeling the strains of cuts, not just universitys 
Trident and our nuclear weapons programme are important not only for our national security but it gives us a little more weight in the world. The money to Ireland was important too, if the Irish economy collapsed we're going down with them. We're dependent on each other for trade and many British business operate in Ireland and vis-versa for Irish ones. International aid is part of our responsibly as a developed nation. 
Picture it this way, look at the UK as a wealthy millionaire and African countries as the working classes. The UK should pay its fair share for those nations that aren't as privileged as ours. The Tories are doing this to get the debt down, less government borrowing lowers interest rates, making EVERYONE better off.   
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#131  Edited By korolev

Some of these people are genuinely upset over the cuts.  Those people are good people who are protesting in an orderly manner, and who I support.
But some people are just using this as an excuse to wreck and smash things.  
If they're so brave, why do they have masks over their faces and run away like cowards whenever the police actually move in? They aren't standing up to anything or anyone - they're just screaming at the void that is their lives. These anarchists and vandals have nothing in their bleak, silly little existence, so they take it out on everyone else.  
Guess what? Cameron was voted in, along with Clegg. No, I don't like the Conservatives. My father was less than fond of the Thatcher years. No, I don't approve of these horrendous cuts to education, as education is the keystone of a better future.  
But I don't approve of moronic teenagers who think that it's "kewl" to set fire to things. They're thugs, nothing more, who revel in violence and destruction. 

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#132  Edited By korolev

Gandhi stood up to the British through peaceful action. He was arrested many times, but he still always maintained his peaceful position. He had moral right on his side, and he knew it. He also knew that if you behave like the opposition to get what you want, you don't deserve to win.  
And a lot of student protesters ARE peaceful. A lot of them don't wreck things. A lot of them are simply nice students who want to have their voices heard, and that is their democratic right. But the ones in those pictures - they're thugs. They're morons who just enjoy smashing things up, because there's nothing else for them to do. They're like a gang of teenagers who beat up old people for kicks. And they're hit-and-run, hide-their-face tactics means that : 
1) They're cowards. Gandhi didn't hide his face. He was brave, and he KNEW he was right. These thugs aren't brave. For all their posturing and bravado, they'll run like little rabbits when the police move in.
2) They know they don't have a leg to stand on morally. They know their actions are against the law, and that their actions are immoral. So you say Cameron is immoral for cutting education, so what? Do two wrongs make a right? Well do they? If you say yes, you're not a very deep person.
Smashing things and setting fire to things doesn't help anyone. It doesn't change ANYTHING. It's a futile act, and anyone with half a brain knows that. Cameron and Clegg are not the supreme evil overlords - they were voted in. Like it or not, they were. The British people elected them, and no, I don't want to hear any more whining over the "first-past-the-post" style elections - when Labor benefited from it, the Left was silent. Now when the Conservatives benefit from it, suddenly it's the worst thing in the world. 
You don't like Cameron and Clegg's policies, as I don't? Vote against them in the next election. That's what CIVILIZED people do. Then again, Anarchists want to destroy civilization, so you can't expect them to be civilized. 

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#133  Edited By JerichoBlyth
@Korolev said:
" Some of these people are genuinely upset over the cuts.  Those people are good people who are protesting in an orderly manner, and who I support. But some people are just using this as an excuse to wreck and smash things.   If they're so brave, why do they have masks over their faces and run away like cowards whenever the police actually move in? They aren't standing up to anything or anyone - they're just screaming at the void that is their lives. These anarchists and vandals have nothing in their bleak, silly little existence, so they take it out on everyone else.   Guess what? Cameron was voted in, along with Clegg. No, I don't like the Conservatives. My father was less than fond of the Thatcher years. No, I don't approve of these horrendous cuts to education, as education is the keystone of a better future.   But I don't approve of moronic teenagers who think that it's "kewl" to set fire to things. They're thugs, nothing more, who revel in violence and destruction.  "
A protest over student cuts with placards and an orderly marching ryhthm will get a half page/corner article on the 11th/12th page of a national newspaper.
...protestors setting fire to police vans lays certain claim to the front page. These people will always be present whenever massive issues are being protested against and in a screwed up and roundabout away, they're actually contributing to the cause. Everyone is different and people just happen to convey their emotions differently. You shouldn't label them as mindless thugs - they're the people ensuring publicity.
The only people to blame here are the Police for their lack of preparation for such a sensetive demonstration of protest and the government for lying to us. People will react and since we're not all the same in nature - there will always be those who think with their fists yet their heart is still in the right place. In this case, they contributed.
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#134  Edited By hunkaburningluv
@CRAzYKiLL3R93 said:
" @hunkaburningluv said:

" @CRAzYKiLL3R93 said:

" Let me defend the government for a second  first off we're in a period of austerity, the cuts are necessary and are going to hurt. We can't turn in to Ireland or Greece. Second the poorest families will pay less in the future than they do now, the burden will be felt on middle and upper classes.  Yes cutting education is horrible, but its unavoidable. Its better that our government wants to get our financial house in order, unlike other countries like the US that like to sweep their debt under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist.  And no one should ever vote for the Liberal Democrats again, they're a bunch of hypocrites.     "
  That's the thing though - I agree cuts need to be made, it's just where the cuts are at the moment - tory policy has always been to keep the upper middle and upper class happy and screw the working class and they are doing it right here. The bottom 10% odds of the population here are going to be worse off and I'll tell ya, there won't be tax breaks in the future when we get back on track.  Cutting education wasn't unavoidable, there are many other sectors that could have taken the strain - as it stands right now, only the privileged few will be able to attend the more exclusive uni's - what about trident? we don't need a nuclear weapons program, hell and we certainly don't need the replacement for it either. The 8billion we've given to Ireland - where the fuck did that come from? our international aid budget should be reduced too.  It's just typical tory policies again - fuck over the poor and keep the upper class happy - now the only difference is that the lower/mid middle class are getting shafted too.  "
Lots of other departments are feeling the strains of cuts, not just universitys  Trident and our nuclear weapons programme are important not only for our national security but it gives us a little more weight in the world. The money to Ireland was important too, if the Irish economy collapsed we're going down with them. We're dependent on each other for trade and many British business operate in Ireland and vis-versa for Irish ones. International aid is part of our responsibly as a developed nation.   Picture it this way, look at the UK as a wealthy millionaire and African countries as the working classes. The UK should pay its fair share for those nations that aren't as privileged as ours. The Tories are doing this to get the debt down, less government borrowing lowers interest rates, making EVERYONE better off.    "
I do agree about Ireland, but we already carry some decent weight in the world - that wouldn't change if we got rid of our nuclear weapons, besides, it would be good for a big name country to state there is no need for nuclear weapons.  
It'a a waste of money. The international aid I understand your point to and to be fair, yeah I kinda agree too - but due to these cuts, there will be more children living in poverty in the UK. It's typical tory party policy to fuck over the working class in order to keep the upper class happy
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#135  Edited By crunchUK

What an outrage, obviously the taxpayer has a sacred obligation to pay for your 3 years of pretentious film studies crap and evenings at the union bar. Obviously all those protesters are the doctors and nuclear physicists of tomorrow...  
The protesting students are so moronic it's incredible. I was watching bbc news and even THEY (this is the institution which upon the 1997 labour election victory had  "the corridors of Broadcasting House strewn with empty champagne bottles") were completely destroying some Cambridge student's logic. "This will affect the poor and stop them from entering higher education the tories want to kill all the poor blah blah blah" "but surely since you are guaranteed a loan and pay back a single digit percentage of your earnings over 21k this won't affect them in the slightest?" "I can't comment on that I'm here to speak up about the injustices of this government blah blah blah...". It really was hilarious to watch her squirm.

If you want to know what's REALLY wrong with the system, how about how the English pay for Scotland to have tuition fees of £0 while they charge us full rates, whilst EU students also get it absolutely free. And how about the EU students that come over here, are guaranteed a loan, but go straight back to their Country of origin without paying a single penny? The government doesn't do anything about that, but it's ok if you ask those same students who are protesting because it's in the name of multiculturalism and the liberal happyland dream. 
And besides, most of those rioters are Socialist Worker who don't really know any better. Bless them. 

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#136  Edited By CptChiken

As soon as the protests turn violent, they loose any weight that they could have carried. I completely agree with protesting, I took part in the first one in london, but the violence is just unnecessary and childish.

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#137  Edited By hunkaburningluv
@crunchUK said:
" What an outrage, obviously the taxpayer has a sacred obligation to pay for your 3 years of pretentious film studies crap and evenings at the union bar. Obviously all those protesters are the doctors and nuclear physicists of tomorrow...  
The protesting students are so moronic it's incredible. I was watching bbc news and even THEY (this is the institution which upon the 1997 labour election victory had  "the corridors of Broadcasting House strewn with empty champagne bottles") were completely destroying some Cambridge student's logic. "This will affect the poor and stop them from entering higher education the tories want to kill all the poor blah blah blah" "but surely since you are guaranteed a loan and pay back a single digit percentage of your earnings over 21k this won't affect them in the slightest?" "I can't comment on that I'm here to speak up about the injustices of this government blah blah blah...". It really was hilarious to watch her squirm.

If you want to know what's REALLY wrong with the system, how about how the English pay for Scotland to have tuition fees of £0 while they charge us full rates, whilst EU students also get it absolutely free. And how about the EU students that come over here, are guaranteed a loan, but go straight back to their Country of origin without paying a single penny? The government doesn't do anything about that, but it's ok if you ask those same students who are protesting because it's in the name of multiculturalism and the liberal happyland dream. 
And besides, most of those rioters are Socialist Worker who don't really know any better. Bless them. 
not totally true, we get a budget from westminster and the Scottish Gov get's to do with it as they please. All our taxes go to Westiminster along with any taxation from the natrual gas/oil companies drilling in the North Sea (you know OUR national waters)
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#138  Edited By Jadeskye

Disgusting how we treat students in this country. They have every right to protest this and i won't blame them for getting violent either. seems to be the only way to make a point any more.

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#139  Edited By Callumrides

i to am from the uk and took past in the 2nd protest , and i fell extremly betrayed by nick cleg u turn. on the tuition fees

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#140  Edited By crunchUK
@hunkaburningluv said:

" @crunchUK said:

" What an outrage, obviously the taxpayer has a sacred obligation to pay for your 3 years of pretentious film studies crap and evenings at the union bar. Obviously all those protesters are the doctors and nuclear physicists of tomorrow...  
The protesting students are so moronic it's incredible. I was watching bbc news and even THEY (this is the institution which upon the 1997 labour election victory had  "the corridors of Broadcasting House strewn with empty champagne bottles") were completely destroying some Cambridge student's logic. "This will affect the poor and stop them from entering higher education the tories want to kill all the poor blah blah blah" "but surely since you are guaranteed a loan and pay back a single digit percentage of your earnings over 21k this won't affect them in the slightest?" "I can't comment on that I'm here to speak up about the injustices of this government blah blah blah...". It really was hilarious to watch her squirm.

If you want to know what's REALLY wrong with the system, how about how the English pay for Scotland to have tuition fees of £0 while they charge us full rates, whilst EU students also get it absolutely free. And how about the EU students that come over here, are guaranteed a loan, but go straight back to their Country of origin without paying a single penny? The government doesn't do anything about that, but it's ok if you ask those same students who are protesting because it's in the name of multiculturalism and the liberal happyland dream. 
And besides, most of those rioters are Socialist Worker who don't really know any better. Bless them. 

  not totally true, we get a budget from westminster and the Scottish Gov get's to do with it as they please. All our taxes go to Westiminster along with any taxation from the natrual gas/oil companies drilling in the North Sea (you know OUR national waters) "
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#141  Edited By adziboy

I was there woooo!

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#142  Edited By swamplord666

I haven't had an opportunity to join in the protests because i had hand ins the next day for both protests... lol

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#143  Edited By HandsomeDead
@Callumrides said:
" i to am from the uk and took past in the 2nd protest , and i fell extremly betrayed by nick cleg u turn. on the tuition fees "
This is an opinion to trust.
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#144  Edited By hicks91

i dont remember all this when labour originally introduced tuition fees 
Its about time the NUS admitted its affiliation with labour, it cannot support students' best interests whilst it is party political

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#145  Edited By baconbits33

Is it me.... or do college students just find any reason to destroy things? I mean I get this is an important issue, but to destroy things and smash windows? I just lost all sympathy for your cause, I'm actually beginning to like the UK Governments decision, if that is what those institutions allow you guys to think; that commiting vandalism and destroying cars and fighting the police is ok. Seriously every other day I get an email from my embassy friend telling me about another "student protest" that just so happened to turn into violence.... I believe education is wonderful so I sure as hell don't agree with cutting funds, but right now I hold no sympathy for UK's youth or my generation for that matter if they are gonna act like this.

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#146  Edited By Pinworm45
@baconbits33 said:

"  I mean I get this is an important issue, but to destroy things and smash windows?     I just lost all sympathy for your cause, I'm actually beginning to like the UK Governments decision"

Just out of curiosity, there have been incidents where women who were raped got revenger on the raper, via violence. 
Does that mean you suddenly have absolutely no sympathy to any woman who was raped, and in fact think they deserved it?
Don't get this logic at all. 
And if you're a rational person and acknowledge that you don't think that way.. why do you apply different logic here?
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#147  Edited By baconbits33
@Pinworm45 said:
" @baconbits33 said:

"  I mean I get this is an important issue, but to destroy things and smash windows?     I just lost all sympathy for your cause, I'm actually beginning to like the UK Governments decision"

Just out of curiosity, there have been incidents where women who were raped got revenger on the raper, via violence.  Does that mean you suddenly have absolutely no sympathy to any woman who was raped, and in fact think they deserved it? Don't get this logic at all.  And if you're a rational person and acknowledge that you don't think that way.. why do you apply different logic here? "
Ummm your comparing peas and apples..... You do realize that right? 
One creates physical and horrific mental harm on someone, the other is just you having to work a couple more hours or can be changed the next time the UK has an upswing in their economy.... So actually your logic makes no sense at all, you are comparing two completely and utterly different things. The police didn't rape anyone, they didn't murder anyone over this education thing..... I'm perfectly fine with protesting but a little info for you kiddies; Protesting doesn't include violence.
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#148  Edited By Pinworm45
@baconbits33 said:
" @Pinworm45 said:
" @baconbits33 said:

"  I mean I get this is an important issue, but to destroy things and smash windows?     I just lost all sympathy for your cause, I'm actually beginning to like the UK Governments decision"

Just out of curiosity, there have been incidents where women who were raped got revenger on the raper, via violence.  Does that mean you suddenly have absolutely no sympathy to any woman who was raped, and in fact think they deserved it? Don't get this logic at all.  And if you're a rational person and acknowledge that you don't think that way.. why do you apply different logic here? "
Ummm your comparing peas and apples..... You do realize that right?  One creates physical and horrific mental harm on someone, the other is just you having to work a couple more hours or can be changed the next time the UK has an upswing in their economy.... So actually your logic makes no sense at all, you are comparing two completely and utterly different things. The police didn't rape anyone, they didn't murder anyone over this education thing..... I'm perfectly fine with protesting but a little info for you kiddies; Protesting doesn't include violence. "
Of course rape and education changes aren't similiar at all, my analogy was meant to highlight you saying "well a few people were violent, therefor no one has any legitimate point and every single student deserves this and you're glad their government did it"
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#149  Edited By baconbits33
@Pinworm45 said:
" @baconbits33 said:
" @Pinworm45 said:
" @baconbits33 said:

"  I mean I get this is an important issue, but to destroy things and smash windows?     I just lost all sympathy for your cause, I'm actually beginning to like the UK Governments decision"

Just out of curiosity, there have been incidents where women who were raped got revenger on the raper, via violence.  Does that mean you suddenly have absolutely no sympathy to any woman who was raped, and in fact think they deserved it? Don't get this logic at all.  And if you're a rational person and acknowledge that you don't think that way.. why do you apply different logic here? "
Ummm your comparing peas and apples..... You do realize that right?  One creates physical and horrific mental harm on someone, the other is just you having to work a couple more hours or can be changed the next time the UK has an upswing in their economy.... So actually your logic makes no sense at all, you are comparing two completely and utterly different things. The police didn't rape anyone, they didn't murder anyone over this education thing..... I'm perfectly fine with protesting but a little info for you kiddies; Protesting doesn't include violence. "
Of course rape and education changes aren't similiar at all, my analogy was meant to highlight you saying "well a few people were violent, therefor no one has any legitimate point and every single student deserves this and you're glad their government did it" "
Your analogy has to make sense though, it didn't highlight anything, it actually detracted from my argument and if anything gave me more room to argue back. Oh and another thing, don't put something in quotes (eg " ") if your not actually making a direct quote from a statement. Yeah I know your gonna be pissed, relax no hatred coming from me on this one, I've made the same mistake, just trying to let you know. And no I'm not saying that every student deserves this, in order to lead a successful life nowadays you have to get an education and if you force people to pay more than it makes it extremely difficult for youth to achieve that. However, I find it extremely difficult to support a side that does not condemn the actions of a radical group that supports them. Much like the 2008 RNC convention, by no means did I support the Republicans, but when no one on the left seemed to condemn the actions by the "anarchists" I began to lose all my support for the left.  
I completely disagree with the decisions made by the UK Government, but I will never support any side that does not speak out against meaningless violence.  
Oh and PS; To anyone American who compares this to the FAFSA, shut the hell up, I don't qualify for it since my family has a steady income, however the bitch of it is that my family has 3 sons so they can only pay for 2 of them, let alone the fact that my father spent all my college money on his and my moms "dream house", because of this I'm forced to joining the military to pay for college, another friend of mine is going on an academic scholarship, and another on a ROTC scholarship, so I don't want to hear anyone complain.
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#150  Edited By Pinworm45
@baconbits33 said:
Yeah I know your gonna be pissed, relax no hatred coming from me on this one. "
I'm.. not? Quotations in Canada allow for Paraphrasing, by the way, so your side tangent about my incorrect use was wrong, anyway (or at least I used it correctly for my zone). 
You'd be correct if my point was that rape is as bad as education cuts. It isn't. I was comparing your reaction.
I could use any example. Or I could just use what you actually said: you literally said that "you just lost ALL sympathy for the cause [of UK students]" and that you're "actually beginning to like the UK governments decision" simply because of the actions of a few people. You are literally condemning thousands of people and are glad they are suffering these problems because of the actions of a few people. You literally said you have no sympathy for anyone in this cause because of the actions of a few people. 
A few people who, by the way, HAVE condemned these actions. Even if they never did though, condemning (and being glad they have these problems) them because of a few people is simply ridiculous.