Who was, in your opinion, the greatest U.S. President?

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#51  Edited By Origina1Penguin

I vote for Jackson.  Besides all the cool shit he did while in office, he was also an all around badass.

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#52  Edited By BiggerBomb

Let me get this straight. Lincoln was a tyrant, who caused the war by allowing the other states to secede and who never tried to preserve the union? Right...

ManMadeGod said:

Nothing I said was simple minded. You clam that "He unified a divided country that was embroiled in warfare" yet when lincoln took office, only 7 states had declared that they no longer wanted to be part of the United States. Most southern states, like Virgin, had voted against succession even after Lincoln became president. A few months later there was 11 states that had left and  war had erupted. Lincoln did nothing to avoid this war. My fellow Americans need to see Lincoln for what he was: a tyrant. Sorry if I would rather of have a peaceful Emancipation like Britain and the the rest of the world. I'm sorry if I don't support Lincoln's War.

Jefferson Davis sent  numerous peace convoys to Washington and all where totally ignored. Thousands of Americans (such as Francis Key Howard) where arrest and throw into jail without a trail for speaking out against the war. If you so wish to do some research (which you clam to do), go track down old newspaperarticals (and headlines) from the start of the war (1860-61). You will find that many northern papers spoke out against Lincon's decition to coax the South into firing the first shot. Of course, almost all of these papers where censored or shut down once the war started. To the victor goes to the spoils, and one of the spoils of this war was the history books. People need to spend more time looking into the problems the country was going through at this time, and the disastrous Lincoln administration. If you wish to read more about the secret police force set up by William Sweard, and the thousands of Americans arrested, please pick up Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln by James G Randall. Or you could just read up on Clement L. Vallandigham, a member of the house who was a arrested for speaking out against "honest abe".

I could keep going, but I rather not. Since you clam to research stuff, you can fill in the rest if you so care to learn the truth. Speaking of research, care to answer my question now? "

No. I will not answer your question. Just as I will not waste my time arguing with someone claiming the sky is green and the grass is blue.

If you have been living in America, you have clearly never attended school. Your grammar, spelling, and general thought/word progression indicate an alarming lack in knowledge of the English language. I decided not to even address some of your more batshit crazy ideas, as doing so would be an acknowledgement of competent intellectual capacity on your part; this is something you are not in possession of.

If you are not native to America, then I believe you must be illegal. Because, unless I am very mistaken, the application for citizenship requires a rudimentary knowledge of American history and culture. But let's say you are an immigrant, and a legal one at that. Your atrocious use of the English language is representative of your short time spent in this country. Without understanding the language, the history and culture of America, you have no ability to form an accurately informed response to the question this poll/topic poses.

So to wrap things up, you're ignorant and unintelligent.

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#53  Edited By BoG
ManMadeGod said:
I was expected more than this shallow response. I love how you totally avoided my question and deiced to attack where I live (and guess wrong in the process).
Nothing I said was simple minded. You clam that "He unified a divided country that was embroiled in warfare" yet when lincoln took office, only 7 states had declared that they no longer wanted to be part of the United States. Most southern states, like Virgin, had voted against succession even after Lincoln became president. A few months later there was 11 states that had left and  war had erupted. Lincoln did nothing to avoid this war. My fellow Americans need to see Lincoln for what he was: a tyrant. Sorry if I would rather of have a peaceful Emancipation like Britain and the the rest of the world. I'm sorry if I don't support Lincoln's War.

Jefferson Davis sent  numerous peace convoys to Washington and all where totally ignored. Thousands of Americans (such as Francis Key Howard) where arrest and throw into jail without a trail for speaking out against the war. If you so wish to do some research (which you clam to do), go track down old newspaper articals (and headlines) from the start of the war (1860-61). You will find that many northern papers spoke out against Lincon's decition to coax the South into firing the first shot. Of course, almost all of these papers where censored or shut down once the war started. To the victor goes to the spoils, and one of the spoils of this war was the history books. People need to spend more time looking into the problems the country was going through at this time, and the disastrous Lincoln administration. If you wish to read more about the secret police force set up by William Sweard, and the thousands of Americans arrested, please pick up Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln by James G Randall. Or you could just read up on Clement L. Vallandigham, a member of the house who was a arrested for speaking out against "honest abe".

I could keep going, but I rather not. Since you clam to research stuff, you can fill in the rest if you so care to learn the truth. Speaking of research, care to answer my question now? "
Alright, I can't take you seriously when you write like that. 
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#54  Edited By fresh2deafbill

FDR, without hesitation.

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#55  Edited By Bonesofwar
jakob187 said:
"As a Republican, it's tough because we've had so many damn fine presidents in our party to choose from.  We've also had some slip-ups, but for the most part, we've done good for ourselves.

I've gotta pick Ronald Reagan, even though Abraham Lincoln was another great treasure for our party (and the first to boot!).
You fail to mention that at the time of Lincoln's Presidency, The Republican Party was the more left, or progressive party. A fine example of party loyalty at its finest. The man had totally opposite ideals than the ones currently held by the republican party. 

And Reagan, you gotta give the man props for being the first demon elected to office. Sadly enough, the man grew up in the very city I type this from.
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#56  Edited By BiggerBomb
Bonesofwar said:
"jakob187 said:
"As a Republican, it's tough because we've had so many damn fine presidents in our party to choose from.  We've also had some slip-ups, but for the most part, we've done good for ourselves.

I've gotta pick Ronald Reagan, even though Abraham Lincoln was another great treasure for our party (and the first to boot!).
You fail to mention that at the time of Lincoln's Presidency, The Republican Party was the more left, or progressive party. A fine example of party loyalty at its finest. The man had totally opposite ideals than the ones currently held by the republican party. 

And Reagan, you gotta give the man props for being the first demon elected to office. Sadly enough, the man grew up in the very city I type this from.

I always got a kick out of a certain quote of his that my mom used to tell me all the time. Something about a dickhead journalist in a press conference who brought up the fact that Reagan had C's in highschool. To which Reagan replied (paraphrasing, here) "You're right, and it's a shame. I wonder what I could have achieved had I been an A student..."

The man had a sense of humor, I'll give him that.
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#57  Edited By jakob187
BoG said:
"BiggerBomb said:
"FDR, hands down. But Abraham Lincoln and George Washington (the good G.W.) are up there as well. Yet I'm pretty vexed as to why Jefferson would be in second place. He has name recognition, I get it, but why would anyone vote him to be the best president? Me thinks that very naive."
I only think one is naive if they choose JFK, who is likely the worst on that list because he was assassinated before he could really make his mark. McKinley is another who died too early, else he would be better. Of course, had McKinley not been shot, T. Roosevelt may never have been president.
Not to mention JFK's handling of the Cuban missile crisis was basically everything someone SHOULD NOT do!

Also, fuck Lincoln.  Top hats were gay, the way he handled the Civil War was bullshit, and the only thing he ever did that was worth a shit was emancipated slaves.  While that may be a milestone in the history of our country, there were better ways to do it.

As I previously said, Reagan was a damn good President that people hated because they didn't understand his ideals until years after his Presidency ended.  He was looking at the future of our country.  Unfortunately, Bill Clinton was able to take office and claim most of it as HIS triumph rather than giving credit where credit was due.

Besides, Clinton wasn't a good President.  He got lucky with the .com boom.  THAT is why our economy was doing well.  It wasn't because he did anything special other than passing internet bills all day.  Also, he blatantly ignored warnings and warning signs from al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, leading us to the bullshit that Bush Jr. had to go through during his Presidency.  During Clinton's administration, we were at one of our weakest points in terms of security and safety as a nation.
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#58  Edited By BiggerBomb
jakob187 said:
"During Clinton's administration, we were at one of our weakest points in terms of security and safety as a nation."

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#59  Edited By Gunner

Even though im biased, im gunna have to say Lincon. Not too many people can keep a country together during such horrible times like he did.

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#60  Edited By Claude

All the history books I read say Lincoln, but I've always liked Teddy Roosevelt. He seemed bigger than life. He was humble and aggressive at the same time. If I saw him in person and he said jump, I would be like... How high? Then he would hit me with his big stick and say... "Don't ask, do it."

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#61  Edited By BoG
Claude said:
"All the history books I read say Lincoln, but I've always liked Teddy Roosevelt. He seemed bigger than life. He was humble and aggressive at the same time. If I saw him in person and he said jump, I would be like... How high? Then he would hit me with his big stick and say... "Don't ask, do it.""
I laughed at the big stick part. If you saw him, you should listen carefully when he walks, too.
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#62  Edited By BiggerBomb

Anyway, time for me to get meh head out of the clouds. Now I'm going to watch our current President speak. =P

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#63  Edited By ManMadeGod
BiggerBomb said:
"Let me get this straight. Lincoln was a tyrant, who caused the war by allowing the other states to secede and who never tried to preserve the union? Right...

ManMadeGod said:
Nothing I said was simple minded. You clam that "He unified a divided country that was embroiled in warfare" yet when lincoln took office, only 7 states had declared that they no longer wanted to be part of the United States. Most southern states, like Virgin, had voted against succession even after Lincoln became president. A few months later there was 11 states that had left and  war had erupted. Lincoln did nothing to avoid this war. My fellow Americans need to see Lincoln for what he was: a tyrant. Sorry if I would rather of have a peaceful Emancipation like Britain and the the rest of the world. I'm sorry if I don't support Lincoln's War.

Jefferson Davis sent  numerous peace convoys to Washington and all where totally ignored. Thousands of Americans (such as Francis Key Howard) where arrest and throw into jail without a trail for speaking out against the war. If you so wish to do some research (which you clam to do), go track down old newspaperarticals (and headlines) from the start of the war (1860-61). You will find that many northern papers spoke out against Lincon's decition to coax the South into firing the first shot. Of course, almost all of these papers where censored or shut down once the war started. To the victor goes to the spoils, and one of the spoils of this war was the history books. People need to spend more time looking into the problems the country was going through at this time, and the disastrous Lincoln administration. If you wish to read more about the secret police force set up by William Sweard, and the thousands of Americans arrested, please pick up Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln by James G Randall. Or you could just read up on Clement L. Vallandigham, a member of the house who was a arrested for speaking out against "honest abe".

I could keep going, but I rather not. Since you clam to research stuff, you can fill in the rest if you so care to learn the truth. Speaking of research, care to answer my question now? "

No. I will not answer your question. Just as I will not waste my time arguing with someone claiming the sky is green and the grass is blue.

If you have been living in America, you have clearly never attended school. Your grammar, spelling, and general thought/word progression indicate an alarming lack in knowledge of the English language. I decided not to even address some of your more batshit crazy ideas, as doing so would be an acknowledgement of competent intellectual capacity on your part; this is something you are not in possession of.

If you are not native to America, then I believe you must be illegal. Because, unless I am very mistaken, the application for citizenship requires a rudimentary knowledge of American history and culture. But let's say you are an immigrant, and a legal one at that. Your atrocious use of the English language is representative of your short time spent in this country. Without understanding the language, the history and culture of America, you have no ability to form an accurately informed response to the question this poll/topic poses.

So to wrap things up, you're ignorant and unintelligent.

So basically your a hate monger. Seriously, grow up. If you're afraid of the truth, don't bother posting bullshit about the New Deal and Lincoln. Insulting me proves nothings.

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#64  Edited By TheMudlaker

Bill Clinton...He did NOT have sex with Monica lewinsky!

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#65  Edited By ManMadeGod
BoG said:
"ManMadeGod said:
I was expected more than this shallow response. I love how you totally avoided my question and deiced to attack where I live (and guess wrong in the process).
Nothing I said was simple minded. You clam that "He unified a divided country that was embroiled in warfare" yet when lincoln took office, only 7 states had declared that they no longer wanted to be part of the United States. Most southern states, like Virgin, had voted against succession even after Lincoln became president. A few months later there was 11 states that had left and  war had erupted. Lincoln did nothing to avoid this war. My fellow Americans need to see Lincoln for what he was: a tyrant. Sorry if I would rather of have a peaceful Emancipation like Britain and the the rest of the world. I'm sorry if I don't support Lincoln's War.

Jefferson Davis sent  numerous peace convoys to Washington and all where totally ignored. Thousands of Americans (such as Francis Key Howard) where arrest and throw into jail without a trail for speaking out against the war. If you so wish to do some research (which you clam to do), go track down old newspaper articals (and headlines) from the start of the war (1860-61). You will find that many northern papers spoke out against Lincon's decision to coax the South into firing the first shot. Of course, almost all of these papers where censored or shut down once the war started. To the victor goes to the spoils, and one of the spoils of this war was the history books. People need to spend more time looking into the problems the country was going through at this time, and the disastrous Lincoln administration. If you wish to read more about the secret police force set up by William Sweard, and the thousands of American's arrested, please pick up Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln by James G Randall. Or you could just read up on Clement L. Vallandigham, a member of the house who was a arrested for speaking out against "honest abe".

I could keep going, but I rather not. Since you clam to research stuff, you can fill in the rest if you so care to learn the truth. Speaking of research, care to answer my question now? "
Alright, I can't take you seriously when you write like that. 
All of my points are valid.
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#66  Edited By c1337us

As a non American I got to go with the president that gave the rest of us the most laffs and how could that be anyone but Bush Jr. Clinton also cause he totally scored with that chick.

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#67  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

Bill Clinton.
Damn, that guys my homedog

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#68  Edited By Gunner
ManMadeGod said:
"BoG said:
"ManMadeGod said:
I was expected more than this shallow response. I love how you totally avoided my question and deiced to attack where I live (and guess wrong in the process).
Nothing I said was simple minded. You clam that "He unified a divided country that was embroiled in warfare" yet when lincoln took office, only 7 states had declared that they no longer wanted to be part of the United States. Most southern states, like Virgin, had voted against succession even after Lincoln became president. A few months later there was 11 states that had left and  war had erupted. Lincoln did nothing to avoid this war. My fellow Americans need to see Lincoln for what he was: a tyrant. Sorry if I would rather of have a peaceful Emancipation like Britain and the the rest of the world. I'm sorry if I don't support Lincoln's War.

Jefferson Davis sent  numerous peace convoys to Washington and all where totally ignored. Thousands of Americans (such as Francis Key Howard) where arrest and throw into jail without a trail for speaking out against the war. If you so wish to do some research (which you clam to do), go track down old newspaper articals (and headlines) from the start of the war (1860-61). You will find that many northern papers spoke out against Lincon's decision to coax the South into firing the first shot. Of course, almost all of these papers where censored or shut down once the war started. To the victor goes to the spoils, and one of the spoils of this war was the history books. People need to spend more time looking into the problems the country was going through at this time, and the disastrous Lincoln administration. If you wish to read more about the secret police force set up by William Sweard, and the thousands of American's arrested, please pick up Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln by James G Randall. Or you could just read up on Clement L. Vallandigham, a member of the house who was a arrested for speaking out against "honest abe".

I could keep going, but I rather not. Since you clam to research stuff, you can fill in the rest if you so care to learn the truth. Speaking of research, care to answer my question now? "
Alright, I can't take you seriously when you write like that. 
All of my points are valid.
Right because a few months is enough time for ONE PERSON to fix an entire country under a democracy, maybe if this were a dictatorship yeah but not when other people have a say in this country.

A history teacher of mine said to me once "History is decided by the victor of war" and while i do agree that the south had the right to succeed from the union, and i do agree that the attack on fort sumpter was scewed by the history books, i dont agree what you said about lincon. Yes he did those things but it was for a greater good, neither the north nor the south could have survived on their own for very long, one side needed to win and i would rather have the side with democracy win than the side with total state anarchy. Lincon preserved what makes america so great and he did so in only one term as presedent, more than what even the great george washington did in two.

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#69  Edited By TripleAgent

I'm going to go in a bit of a different direction. I'll say the best was Harry S.  Often overlooked, he had some of the highest and lowest (even lower than Bush 43) approval ratings in United States Presidential History.  The Fair Deal revolutionized healthcare, and set the stage for Medicare in the 60s.  But the most important part of his presidency was his character.  He was logical and pretty down to Earth.  Who else could have said "The Buck Stops Here" and really have meant it.  Plus, you gotta love the fact that his middle name was a single letter.  

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#70  Edited By BoG
TripleAgent said:
"I'm going to go in a bit of a different direction. I'll say the best was Harry S.  Often overlooked, he had some of the highest and lowest (even lower than Bush 43) approval ratings in United States Presidential History.  The Fair Deal revolutionized healthcare, and set the stage for Medicare in the 60s.  But the most important part of his presidency was his character.  He was logical and pretty down to Earth.  Who else could have said "The Buck Stops Here" and really have meant it.  Plus, you gotta love the fact that his middle name was a single letter.  
Just adding to the approval ratings thing, he had the lowest ratings of any president in history, tied with Nixon. Ratings plumetted after he fired MacArthur. These days he's been ranked in the top ten a few times.
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#71  Edited By maxszy

Really was hoping for a Hoover option.

In all seriousness though, Teddy Roosevelt. What's not to like about a President who was a commander of the Rough Riders?

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#72  Edited By SoothsayerGB

I have to go with Lincoln.  He deceived a world into believing he was a just guy.  While in reality he only freed the slaves to piss off the other opposing party members.  All while living a secretly gay life.  He was one of the world's greatest hucksters.  Few have ever joked like he did. 

Clinton cums to a close number 2.  Come on, that guy was great!  

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Teddie Roosevelt

I was going to answer Teddy to begin with, and then have a very descriptive paragraph or two about why I think he was the best President.

Sadly I thought this idea was funny for about five minutes, about the time it took to make it. Afterward I realized the stupidity of this joke, but by then it had already been uploaded to the site. Without any justification, it would have sat there for all eternity; destined only to make people resent me for uploading useless images.

Just like my picture of Lil' John swimming in a sea of Crunk.

But by now you have ceased reading this this pointless justification of a pointless image, and hopefully you are now using the time you would have spent reading further for a greater and more meaningful purpose.

Or you are still reading this.

I pity you.

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#74  Edited By lilburtonboy7489

I hate this question. As a libertarian, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan would be the best by their supposed "beliefs". But when in office, they all abused their power.

Power always corrupts. And to be honest, I can't even vote on this because I don't think we have ever had a good president.

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#75  Edited By Virago

Man, hoover didn't make it on the list? gs.

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#76  Edited By Snail

I was undecided between Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, and I voted Teddy Rosevelt, even though I can't make up my mind.

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#77  Edited By penguindust
Pibo47 said:
HAHAHAHA! My girl friend is black! Maybe me and jefferson are related.
(She's actually half black, but since her dads black she is legally black)
I'm not sure what that means...does she get some sort of special card or credentials?
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#78  Edited By BiggerBomb

I decided that I also want to give a shout out for Truman. For a man to take action for his country, to the degree that he did, despite knowing he would never be able to live with himself again, is something I appreciate.

It's doubtful he ever had a night's sleep after that. I feel for him.

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#79  Edited By lilburtonboy7489
BiggerBomb said:

I decided that I also want to give a shout out for Truman. For a man to take action for his country, to the degree that he did, despite knowing he would never be able to live with himself again, is something I appreciate.

It's doubtful he ever had a night's sleep after that. I feel for him.

A) Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and all the rest took action as well. Apparently, a lot of people consider taking action (no matter what action it is) an intrinsically good thing.

B) How many civilians did he murder?

C) How do you think Japan feels about him? Are they glad he took action for his country?
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#80  Edited By lilburtonboy7489
fresh2deafbill said:
"FDR, without hesitation.
I think you have confused this with "The worst president in history" thread.
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#81  Edited By Gunner
lilburtonboy7489 said:
"I hate this question. As a libertarian, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan would be the best by their supposed "beliefs". But when in office, they all abused their power.

Power always corrupts. And to be honest, I can't even vote on this because I don't think we have ever had a good president.
Go move to france, i think you'll like it there.
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#82  Edited By RichardLOlson
Wow I don't see Mr. Nixon....that was my choice...but it wasn't up there, so I had to choose clinton.
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#83  Edited By Claude
lilburtonboy7489 said:
"I hate this question. As a libertarian, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan would be the best by their supposed "beliefs". But when in office, they all abused their power.

Power always corrupts. And to be honest, I can't even vote on this because I don't think we have ever had a good president.
A libertarian... You said in another thread you didn't belong to a party. The last time I checked, there is a libertarian party.
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#84  Edited By Magnum

FDR easy we would all be speaki.... well you get it.

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#85  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

Bill Clinton....lol, I joke.  My god

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#86  Edited By lilburtonboy7489
Claude said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"I hate this question. As a libertarian, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan would be the best by their supposed "beliefs". But when in office, they all abused their power.

Power always corrupts. And to be honest, I can't even vote on this because I don't think we have ever had a good president.
A libertarian... You said in another thread you didn't belong to a party. The last time I checked, there is a libertarian party.
I'm not THAT kind of libertarian. I'm a Rothbard libertarian....or anarchist. Whatever, just semantics. And just because I don't have a party doesn't mean I don't have ideals which can be given names.

Even if I did belong to a party, it sure as hell wouldn't be the libertarian party...they are a joke...just look at who they chose for their last candidate.

Oh, and back on GS, I used to make posts on why libertarians suck at life. I targeted the small government libertarians such as h8smikemoore. There are many different kids of libertarians.
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#87  Edited By Snipzor
lilburtonboy7489 said:
"Claude said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"I hate this question. As a libertarian, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan would be the best by their supposed "beliefs". But when in office, they all abused their power.

Power always corrupts. And to be honest, I can't even vote on this because I don't think we have ever had a good president.
A libertarian... You said in another thread you didn't belong to a party. The last time I checked, there is a libertarian party.
I'm not THAT kind of libertarian. I'm a Rothbard libertarian....or anarchist. Whatever, just semantics. And just because I don't have a party doesn't mean I don't have ideals which can be given names.

Even if I did belong to a party, it sure as hell wouldn't be the libertarian party...they are a joke...just look at who they chose for their last candidate.
Would you by any means be in support of a restructuring of the system in America then? Perhaps more a fan of fusion rather than separation?
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#88  Edited By Ubergeist

Abe is watching.

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#89  Edited By lilburtonboy7489
Snipzor said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"Claude said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"I hate this question. As a libertarian, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan would be the best by their supposed "beliefs". But when in office, they all abused their power.

Power always corrupts. And to be honest, I can't even vote on this because I don't think we have ever had a good president.
A libertarian... You said in another thread you didn't belong to a party. The last time I checked, there is a libertarian party.
I'm not THAT kind of libertarian. I'm a Rothbard libertarian....or anarchist. Whatever, just semantics. And just because I don't have a party doesn't mean I don't have ideals which can be given names.

Even if I did belong to a party, it sure as hell wouldn't be the libertarian party...they are a joke...just look at who they chose for their last candidate.
Would you by any means be in support of a restructuring of the system in America then? Perhaps more a fan of fusion rather than separation?
If by restructuring, you mean dismantling the system, then yup  haha.

And what do you mean by fusion and separation?
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#90  Edited By Snipzor
lilburtonboy7489 said:
"Snipzor said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"Claude said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"I hate this question. As a libertarian, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan would be the best by their supposed "beliefs". But when in office, they all abused their power.

Power always corrupts. And to be honest, I can't even vote on this because I don't think we have ever had a good president.
A libertarian... You said in another thread you didn't belong to a party. The last time I checked, there is a libertarian party.
I'm not THAT kind of libertarian. I'm a Rothbard libertarian....or anarchist. Whatever, just semantics. And just because I don't have a party doesn't mean I don't have ideals which can be given names.

Even if I did belong to a party, it sure as hell wouldn't be the libertarian party...they are a joke...just look at who they chose for their last candidate.
Would you by any means be in support of a restructuring of the system in America then? Perhaps more a fan of fusion rather than separation?
If by restructuring, you mean dismantling the system, then yup  haha.

And what do you mean by fusion and separation?
I wanted to add "...of powers" to the two. Specifically parliamentary or presidential, because it seems as if you let out that one executive representative cannot properly do their job.
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#91  Edited By lilburtonboy7489
Snipzor said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"Snipzor said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"Claude said:
"lilburtonboy7489 said:
"I hate this question. As a libertarian, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan would be the best by their supposed "beliefs". But when in office, they all abused their power.

Power always corrupts. And to be honest, I can't even vote on this because I don't think we have ever had a good president.
A libertarian... You said in another thread you didn't belong to a party. The last time I checked, there is a libertarian party.
I'm not THAT kind of libertarian. I'm a Rothbard libertarian....or anarchist. Whatever, just semantics. And just because I don't have a party doesn't mean I don't have ideals which can be given names.

Even if I did belong to a party, it sure as hell wouldn't be the libertarian party...they are a joke...just look at who they chose for their last candidate.
Would you by any means be in support of a restructuring of the system in America then? Perhaps more a fan of fusion rather than separation?
If by restructuring, you mean dismantling the system, then yup  haha.

And what do you mean by fusion and separation?
I wanted to add "...of powers" to the two. Specifically parliamentary or presidential, because it seems as if you let out that one executive representative cannot properly do their job.
I don't want any president, representatives, governors, etc... I'm an anarchist.

However, in the real world, I would want to restructure majorly. I think that one major way to limit government, it to greatly expand it. What I mean by that, is increase the number of representatives immensely. We have not added seats to congress since the 30's, yet the population has grown immensely. The power has become more and more centralized over the last 75 years.

Also, I would want to get rid of executive orders and get rid of the constitution to write a new one. Most importantly, I would want the government to have nothing to do with money. No fiat money, no FED, no monopoly on counterfeiting, etc... 

But then again, all of this relies on a democratic process. And since I find democracy to be very immoral, I still wouldn't settle for this.
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#92  Edited By RandomHero666

I dont know much abot US presidency, but id say Clinton, i saw that guy once.. only he was 2000 feet in the air.... in a plane, and i was liek 8

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#93  Edited By Commando

Ulysses S Grant.... NOT... Worst president in history. Robert E Lee would have been a much better president. If it weren't for him being leader of the confederate army, he probably would have been.

Anyways, gotta say Reagan on this one.
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#94  Edited By loldetaerleo

Keeping it real with the abemonster!