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    Gears of War

    Game » consists of 19 releases. Released Nov 07, 2006

    Gears of War is a tactical cover-based sci-fi shooter from Epic Games. The player controls Marcus Fenix, a COG soldier who fights the Locust aliens defending their home planet from the encroaching Human invaders.

    bilawal's Gears of War (Limited Collector's Edition) (Xbox 360) review

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    • 0 out of 0 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • bilawal has written a total of 53 reviews. The last one was for Fable

    Gear it up!!!!!

    Gears of War is one of the latest shooters on the 360 and you play as Marcus Fenix, an ex soldier who was sent to prison because he refused orders when earth was getting attacked; to save his dad! Only to find out his dad already died. 14 years and earth is in war with the locust, a group of monsters previously referred to the boogey man. Dom, a delta squad soldier who breaks into prison and frees Fenix. With the help of Fenix they set to stop the war on earth.

    The gameplay in gears of war is basically take cover, shoot, frag them together and melee them when they charge at you. This feels fucking sweet!! The main focus is covering, everywhere there's somewhere you can take cover and kill people. You just go near the object, wall, fort etc and take cover. Shoot, cover shoot. It's the greatest experience in gaming ever. After a few hours you'll star covering when you're playing football and then when they get a point they'll go to you: WTF? That's how it is. You can sprint in the game by holding down A. Also if you press L then you can aim. You can blind shoot too. The health system in Gears of War is similar to Halo 2, you recover after a period of time.

    Basically a Massive Gear piece will come to the screen first as a fade then when it's becoming clearer you're in danger! Simply cover and after a few seconds will heal. Brilliant! Beats looking for health packs for an hour! The sound in Gears of War sounds fucking amazing! You can hear them screaming for their lives as you kill them and the music is OMG SRYSLY?! Yeah that good. It also alerts you if you have enemies to kill making the game suspense and helping. You have many guns in the game from the sniper gun to the chainsawattachedrifle.

    The chainsaw gun in the game is an A-K 47 with a chainsaw on the top of it. The chainsaw acts as a melee weapon. And trust me it's the best thing ever; all the blood goes onto the screen! You'll need time to be a master it. You also get this arrow gun which when you shoot someone they explode, regardless of who they are, unless they're a boss. It can carry a few ammo at a time, same with the rocket launcher. The sniping in this game is so easy that you'd thing you're a pro when you first use it. No more online snipers you can be a newbie and be a "sniper" it's that easy. The pistol is good for shooting mini monsters and close enemies.

    The graphics in the game a **** awesome!! They look real, they're the best ever. You'd be amazed at the graphics and gore levels. You do get to drive a vehicle and it's crap! One of the worst missions ever. It's slow and you can only have one person doing everything. When you shoot something they all die. There are two bosses in this game and yes you guessed it one of them is the giant spider, I'm not telling which one though. This said Gears of War is a short game, maybe a little longer than Halo 2 but still. It only has 5 acts. But you'll play this more and more and more!!!

    Other reviews for Gears of War (Limited Collector's Edition) (Xbox 360)

      Gears of War 0

      This is one of those games that defines the industry. Of every game I have ever played on the Xbox 360 console Gears of War is by far the most creative, fun to watch, hard to put down and just plain old entertaining. Gears of War offers an entire new spin to any Combat game you have ever played. The words that best describe the difference between this third person, over the shoulder shooter, are personal combat. When in the heart of battle you are able to feel the breath of your opponent as he r...

      5 out of 7 found this review helpful.

      Good GoW, Y'All! 0

      It's my personal opinion that games just don't have the same magic as they used to.  It could be that we're breaching too close to reality with the looks, and realism effects and character models based on people we recognise might be taking things a little too far.  Many games, particularly shooters have become a little tired and predictable.  I'm very glad to say that I don't find this to be the case with Gears of War.  Made by the Unreal Tournament team, there was never a chance I wouldn't pla...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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