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My pain with World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is pretty much a love/hate relationship with everyone that plays it. Even people who have never quit and spend there whole lives playing it, hate it. Well there bodies likely do. For me it's much more obvious. I hate dedicating so much time to it, wasting time with rude people who rage at anything and everything etc. But every time I leave I seem to go back about a month later doing the exact same thing I always do. But this time may be different.
I started WoW during the WotLK expansion so I suppose I can never be considered 'hardcore'. I constantly left the game but went back to try a bit of levelling, some professions and dungeons. Eventually I hit the inevitable level 80 and powered raided and dungeoned like a mouse on steroids and speed. I spent hours playing the game just trying to get pieces of gear and attempt raiding. I had to leave. I managed to quit and return casually and found a nice guild who didn't mind me not showing up daily to raid. Everything was just lovely in my little world. Until patch 4.0...
I logged in during that game changing patch that changed everything. Quite literally, everything. Talents, interface, raiding, everything. Now that didn't bother me much. I can relearn a game I spent about a year learning. Brilliant. But it seemed to bring out all the worst things in WoW. Complete assholes shouting at everything, inbalanced classes, confused players runnng around shouting at your to solve all there problems when you're trying to sort your own. Just turned into a horrible game. So I left and said I would never return. But today another patch got released today....

It is the complete 'Cataclysm' patch. Quests for level 1-60 have all changed, the world has been torn up and this game is now, essentially, new. So what do I do? I buy a months worth of subscription and start a new class character combination. I just can't help finding out what's new and how the game has changed. Is it going to be better? More streamlined with better dungeons? Probably. Am I going to stay around long enough to find out? Who knows, but most likely. I know myself I'm not a hardcore player. But I also know when I first installed WoW, Blizzard grabbed my balls, and are refusing to let go....



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Edited By 02sfraser

World of Warcraft is pretty much a love/hate relationship with everyone that plays it. Even people who have never quit and spend there whole lives playing it, hate it. Well there bodies likely do. For me it's much more obvious. I hate dedicating so much time to it, wasting time with rude people who rage at anything and everything etc. But every time I leave I seem to go back about a month later doing the exact same thing I always do. But this time may be different.
I started WoW during the WotLK expansion so I suppose I can never be considered 'hardcore'. I constantly left the game but went back to try a bit of levelling, some professions and dungeons. Eventually I hit the inevitable level 80 and powered raided and dungeoned like a mouse on steroids and speed. I spent hours playing the game just trying to get pieces of gear and attempt raiding. I had to leave. I managed to quit and return casually and found a nice guild who didn't mind me not showing up daily to raid. Everything was just lovely in my little world. Until patch 4.0...
I logged in during that game changing patch that changed everything. Quite literally, everything. Talents, interface, raiding, everything. Now that didn't bother me much. I can relearn a game I spent about a year learning. Brilliant. But it seemed to bring out all the worst things in WoW. Complete assholes shouting at everything, inbalanced classes, confused players runnng around shouting at your to solve all there problems when you're trying to sort your own. Just turned into a horrible game. So I left and said I would never return. But today another patch got released today....

It is the complete 'Cataclysm' patch. Quests for level 1-60 have all changed, the world has been torn up and this game is now, essentially, new. So what do I do? I buy a months worth of subscription and start a new class character combination. I just can't help finding out what's new and how the game has changed. Is it going to be better? More streamlined with better dungeons? Probably. Am I going to stay around long enough to find out? Who knows, but most likely. I know myself I'm not a hardcore player. But I also know when I first installed WoW, Blizzard grabbed my balls, and are refusing to let go....

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Edited By Cincaid

I finally managed to quit for good last summer after playing more or less nonstop since its initial release waaaaay back.  
Do I feel a need to check out Cataclysm and see if my old raiding-guild still have a spot for me? Of course. But I'll be damned if I do. Whenever I get the urge to play again I just fight the feeling and talk myself into to just wait for Diablo III or whatever new MMO Blizzard can cook up. As I see it, I'm done with WoW. Finally.