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You Can Find Me In Da Pub

With a plethora of interesting XBox Live Arcade games coming out recently, one would be hard pressed to choose between them. In my case, I downloaded all of them while paying a damn fortune in Marketplace points, and tried them out. Surprisingly, the game I'm enjoying the most may not be the one you'd think.

Welcome To The Pub.
Welcome To The Pub.
My game of choice right now is Fable II Pub Games. Yes, you read that right. I downloaded this game last night, after hearing good things about it from friends, and I do not regret my purchase one bit. I wasn't expecting to be blown away by this tie-in to the upcoming Peter Molyneux RPG, but damn... I can't stop playing! What's really odd is that I hate gambling in real life and in most games of the genre. Of course, you won't find 

any Poker or Blackjack tables here. However, some of the games resemble some real-life casino games, but their differences are enough to make me love this game.

I'm not even sure if I'll be getting Fable II yet, but I'm enjoying this game more than Braid, which I should've never have bought since I'm not a fan of platformers, and Bionic Commando, which I just cannot get into for unknown reasons. Contrary to Geometry Wars 2, a game which I adore even though I suck at it, Braid and BioCom just leave me cold.

Funny how such an unexpected game can turn things around, isn't it?

Maybe... maybe not.
Maybe... maybe not.

In conclusion, I leave you with this video.  Scott Weiland is one of my favorite front men, alongside Bono and Axl Rose, and this video proves it.  It's an acoustic version of Plush by Stone Temple Pilots.  Just listen to the man's voice.  Amazing.