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#1  Edited By AdmiralOstra

 this is my opinion... my best guess is that since she has accessed such powerful psyonic powers as the queen of blade she'll be able to access similar powers as a human but will have to train herself to harness such power as a human, ( possibly with toshe's chemicals for specters?) and will be able to control the zerg even as a human but she will have to fight for that control through gaining that power and battling the fallen one's hybrid minions for control of course she will have the help of Raynor's raiders. so this story will pick-up right after she was saved and the legacy of the void will pick up right after hear of the swarm. these are just my speculations though... tell me what you think.

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#2  Edited By AdmiralOstra

my best guess is that since she has accessed such powerful psyonic powers as the queen of blade she'll be able to access similar powers as a human but will have to train herself to harness such power as a human, ( possibly with toshe's chemicals for specters?) and will be able to control the zerg even as a human but she will have to fight for that control through gaining that power and battling the fallen one's hybrid minions for control of course she will have the help of Raynor's raiders. so this story will pick-up right after she was saved and the legacy of the void will pick up right after hear of the swarm. these are just my speculations though... tell me what you think.