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SOCOM FTB3 drops a nostagia bomb on me. (Blog post)


Well, I signed onto SOCOM: Confrontation today. Patch 1.60 came out and I am very dissapointed with it. They are making you pay to use certain weapons and attatchments in the game, they made the Desert Eagle WEAKER after the community begged for it to be more powerful in patch 1.50, and they removed my favourite game mode, 4v4 Elimination. Of all the things they could do, removing anything is probably the worst possible thing.


As you may know, the same company that made that SOCOM game is also making SOCOM FTB3. Which will feature regenerating health (something that will make the tactical feel go down alot,) and other new things. From what we see, the game looks like it's turing out good, but trailers and screenshots can lie. The only thing I have to think about this game is what the company has done with previous games is the series. Those would be SOCOM: Confrontation, and

SOCOM: Tactical Strike. From those two games, I feel that this game is going to be no different. We all hated TS, but the same company that made that game is making FTB3, remember that when you're thinking how great this game will be.


Back to Confrontation. In the blog posts and forums, Slant Six Games claimed that there would be FREE DLC. But to them, free DLC is a mandatory patch, and they will be charging $14.99 for new maps and weapons that should have been in the game in the first place!


*Sigh* these games make me think about when SOCOM games were the best console shooters out.