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I've been working on my entertainment company/website/network or whatever else I should be calling it,, for a little over five years now; six if you count our year which was spent on pre-production of the site a few projects. Why am I bringing this up? Well, we've been known to go through a new site design every six months to a year, sometimes to uproarious cheers and other times to a room full of crickets, but every time we re-iterated we grew closer to a goal. That goal is to produce high quality content that we think is very good and very funny and share it with our audience and the rest of the world (if we're given the chance)! We just went through another redesign, this time going with a much cleaner and simpler look than ever before. I think we nailed the ball out of the park.

Now, coming from me, this just sounds like somebody tooting their own horn. So, what's your point? I implore you to check out the new site and then from there, check out our Out of Service website and our Optical Overload website! I've posted an Optical Overload comic with this and an Out of Service video for those of you out there that are missing out on our content! If you love it, or hate it, let me know on here. Thanks!

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