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Best Games of 2015

2015 was the year of sequels and the PS4 and Xbox One finally hitting their stride. A tide of strong releases spread throughout the year helped make up for last year's rather slow release schedule. This year games (mostly) worked and there were more than enough different experiences this year to highlight that videogames can be more than mindless experiences. Strong storytelling helped some games stand out, while others had great mechanics.

2 years into this generation of consoles hopefully the trend can continue into 2016.

List items

  • What can I say that hasn't already been said? Mario Maker takes some of the greatest platformers of all time and allows you to play them with an endless number of stages and challenges. The trickle of new content and weekly unlocks keep me coming back, while seeing what crazy levels the internet have created is endless fun.

  • Living the life of a teenage girl who just happens to have time travel powers is both empowering and at the same time limiting. Unlike Telltale's recent offerings, the ability to change time makes decisions that much harder as both ways usually have positive and negative consequences.

  • War. War never changes and neither did Fallout. Not that it was a bad thing, I enjoyed the game a lot. While some changes (I'm looking at you conversation system) were bad, the addition of settlements was more addictive than it had any right to be. Add in some charming companions and an interesting premise (which unfortunately ends faster than it should) the wasteland is one I hope to return to when the DLC packs hit.

  • The best playing Metal Gear Solid game is also one of the worst Metal Gear Solid games in terms of story. Improving on the gameplay introduced in Peace Walker, MGS V plays great whether sneaking or going full rambo on the enemy. Balancing building a mercenary army, upgrading your equipment and building your base (although the timers for some upgrades are way too long) is a great breather between the ops the player is running. While Konami have changed how certain mechanics have worked since launch and the end of the second act leave a lot to be desired, MGS V is still a great game from Kojima Productions.

  • After Arkham City I was unsure if Rocksteady was overstretching their ambitions with the Arkham games but Arkham Knight proved me wrong. Cutting down on most of the clutter and diversions of the last game (although the get 100% to see the true ending is BS), Arkham Knight plays just as well as the last game while introducing just enough tricks to keep it fresh.

  • I didn't expect to like this game as much as I did but Until Dawn is a fresh take on the story based adventure game. Using the most of it's horror homages and elements, Until Dawn is a great homage to the movies it takes inspiration from. Trying to figure out how to get all the characters to survive until dawn gets more tense as the hours tick down and the challenges ramp up.

  • Explosion Simulator 2015. Probably the most fun action packed game I played in 2015, Just Cause 3 is an exercise in causing chaos and mayhem while rewarding you with satisfying explosions.

  • The Starship Troopers game I never knew I wanted, Helldivers unforgiving action on alien infested worlds feels great when playing with friends.

  • I didn't play as much Witcher 3 as I would've liked (need to finish the Witcher 2 first) but it's definitely the best looking game I've seen this year. No other game came close (for me) in looking like it was something that could've only been made for this generation of consoles. Also, Gwent is pretty fun too.

  • Hip squids shooting ink in Nintendo's unique take in the shooter genre. The post release support was top notch too.

  • After last year's Assassin's Creed failed to impress, AC: Syndicate certainly made great strides in concentrating more on the core of assassinating and getting into some pretty brutal looking fisticuffs freeing London from the Templar's control.

  • EA had a mandate to make a game that looks like the classic Star Wars movies. They succeeded spectacularly in recreating the look and feel of those movies. While thin on content, what is the looks great and plays well.