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Well, here I am.

Now let's see if I actually use this space for anything. I'm sure I'm not the only one but I tend to be rather absentminded when it comes to making blog entries. Since one assumes this is supposed to be a gaming blog, though, I might as well use this space to talk about what I've been playing.

Ah, Spore... I've wanted to pick this game up for a while. It's not exactly a complicated game, but it's addicting in its own way. So far I've focused on one save file. I managed to keep the creature phase going long enough to unlock almost every part, which was pretty fun in itself. I'm having an odd time with the space stage, though. I keep everyone as friendly as possible to me, but it's aggravating getting two alerts at once every time two of my allies attack each other.

Not much else going on tonight since I've mostly been in the mood to watch movies. I'll probably end up going to bed early tonight since I couldn't get any sleep at all last night.

Good night.