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AmericanPegasus' best games of 2008.

10. Rock Band 2

I'll be honest, when it came buying either Rock Band 2 or GHWT the only reason I bought Rock Band was because I felt I'd invested to much into the DLC from the first rock band to turn my back on it. I don't really care that much was music games. I'm not very good at them and I know I'll never actually be able to put enough time into them to keep up with my friends who play expert. However, out of the two major music games( sorry RR, I'm leaving you out of this one)  that Rock Band was the better buy. I thought the instruments were better put togethher then the GH set, which is probably because the RB crew had it's share of problems the first time around, and I just lpersonally perfer the interface to Guitar Hero's. The problem I've been having with these games for a while is that it feels like everything added in each new installment could be done via software update, and I've sworn off buying more plastic instruements. So if Harmonix or Activison wants my money ever again, it'll be from my e-wallet. Regardless, it's a fun game for when friends come over, and I know the hardcore-expert types like this sort of thing more then I ever will

9. Madden 09

I know, I know....A SPORTS GAME IN THE TOP TEN? Even worse...a MADDEN game. The thing is, for me, Madden was one of the few games I'm actually good at. I've always been a huge fan of the NFL, and it's always the easiest games to pick up and play when friends come over(no split screen, almost everyone likes the controls). EA, has starting getting this series back on track with this edition. I still have my complaints of course, and it has caused me to hit my pillow in frustation on numerous occasions. Sometimes I think they should stop trying to add worthless crap to this game, such as the "Madden IQ" and try to refine the parts of the game they know people actually like some more....oh and GO PATRIOTS.

8.Grand Theft Auto IV

I think I got caught up in the hype with this one. When I got it I was very exicted to play it, because of the great review and everyone telling me what a great game it was I think I sort-of tricked myself into thinking it was better then it really was. Still good fun though, I can still get bored and go shoot up the city like in all the other GTA's. I can ever get busted for go to a sting kiddy porn site. But I found myself unable to finish the story mode, it was really fun at first but I started getting tired of some of the characters. The cell phone was a nice addition, until I had to start running around town doing mudane mini games just so people wouldn't get mad at me. The physics engine is great, and I still believe it's one of the most techinally impress games of this generation. I think it's main problem is it takes itself to seriously at times, in which case it should take a page out of a book known as Saints Row 2.


I don't have a PS3 in my house anymore, so I don't get to play this as much as I'd like to. But from what I have played, I like it alot. Sometimes I think it's a bit overpriced for my taste, and that's probably because I don't really take it as an actual game, so much as a platform for creation. The great thing about this is that when you give the means of expression, you can get some really neat stuff, some really dumb stuff, and some really messed up stuff. Kinda remains me of Youtube.

6.Fable II

Usually when I say "This a great game, but you should rent it" I'm talking about a FPS, but I'd say this about Fable II also. I'm sure some people could drag it out for hours and hours looking for certain collectables and getting all the endings. But if you're just looking to own all the stores, get rich, and beat the main quest it only takes a few hardcore sessions and defiantly can be achieve within a renting period if you're serious about it. This length is helped by the fact that this is the easiest RPG I've played in recent memory. Your punishment for dying is losing XP for christ sakes. The story was mediocre and in some instances cliche, maybe I would have liked it more if I actually had played the orginal Fable. It's fun while it last though and is actually pretty funny and enteraining.

5.Left 4 Dead

I really didn't expect much when I bought this game so that probably explains why I'm so impressed with it. I've always been a fan of the zombie-end of the world senarios. The only problem I have with this is replay, the game is incredibly short, and even with the online versus gets old a little to quick, I'd probably appreciate the PC version with mods. While it's not really scary, it does invoke the adreline OMG OMG WAT AM I GOING TO DO feeling that makes playing it so fun. It probably has the best co-op I've ever played, and it the level desigin is pratically flawless. What they made was great, they just needed to make more of it.

4.Gears Of War 2

I've always had a special place in my heart for the Gears of War series because it's the GoW1 was the first multiplayer game I've actually enjoyed on the 360. I know alot of people are hating and shouting about the shotgun/lancer/mines, or whatever. Luckily for my style of play, ever change helped me get better at it. The horde mode was fun, I honestly got sick of it after playing it for 3 hours straight. Matchmaking needs some work. But Epic really did what they set out to do, and that's to make everything better then it was in the previous game. The netcode it better, the graphics are better, the story is better, I'd even argue, although many disagree, the multiplayer is better. The only problem I had was the ending, which I found increbibly weak compared to the rest of the campign, but for the most part, this game kicked ass.

3.Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

This game is just great, plain and simple.I don't think I've played many many campigns that can come close to this one. I've always believed Hideo was a guy who knew what he was doing, and knew where he wanted to go with the story. Almost everythign is wrapped up in the end. I have no major complaints I can think of. I guess some would say it's a shame more can't play it because it's not on the 360, but I don't think it's ever coming there so I'd suggest anyone who doesn't want to buy a PS3 to borrow a friends or something because it's very worth it IMO,.

2.Fallout 3

I like WRPGs. Fallout 3 is a WRPG. Match made in heaven. I've probably played this a little to much, because I know for a fact that I've gone over the 100 hours as far as this game goes. Funny thing was, I didn't even like it very much at first, but after a while I got a hang of everything and I just starting going crazy, making multiple characters staying up all night just doing stupid crap. I actually have both the PC and the 360 version just cause of the mods on the PC. I haven't played it for a while, but if you can get into it, it's defiantly a potenial game of the year.

1.Lost Odyssey

Most of the games are on this list are something you'd expect, such as a MGS, Gears, RB etc. This...not so much. I thought I'd never like a JRPG before I rented this game out of curiousity, damn was I wrong. The story, while amazing to me, is something I don't doubt seasoned JRPG veterans have seen before. The game play is everything I like in a game: hard, rewarding, and requires a brain. People have complained about loading times, but they certainly weren't a problem for me,and Im not a very patient person. I'd imgaine if this was installed with NXE, the loading times problem would be non exsitant.

The amazing thing about Lost Odyssey is how it gets me to like things I'd always thought I'd hate. Like the dreams. When I heard that I'd have to read in a game I'd thought it'd be the stupidest thing ever, but I'll be damned if a few of those didn't get me teary eyed. I'll probably remember some parts of this games for years and years. It's just that good.