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The Soup Kitchen (09/20/2011)

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Presented to you by: csoup

Hey there duders, it's csoup and with a baby just arriving on the 15th, I suddenly had the urge to write a couple of my thoughts. It will generally focus around video games, but sometimes I may go off on a tangent and talk about something else :P. Enjoy, opinions welcome.

Gaming with a Newborn.

As some of you may know from a certain thread I generated a couple of days ago, I just had my little baby girl on September 15th of 2011. Not only was she planned for and everything, she also came out as more than I could have imagined. Before I get all emotional and ramble on about how precious she is, I'll share a picture with you and leave it at that.

"Princess" Piper JoAnn Campbell

I hope that you see her beauty as much as I do, but then again I am her father :P

Back to the topic, ever since we brought our little baby girl home I have been finding my gaming time limited or non-existent at times. This comes from having to change her diaper, feedings, and over-all clinginess that comes with having a newborn. Like I said before, I put myself out there and asked this fantastic community for some help in finding one-handed games to play while I hold her (generally 90% of my awake time). To my surprise, as well as my wife's, not that many sexual jokes manifested themselves and I actually got some great help. From the recommendations from my fellow users, I went with a couple of the games they recommended, and some of them I have either played and completed or had zero interest in. Some of those were:

Again, if my fellow duders missed my thank you, I wanted to reiterate my appreciation by saying thanks a lot, you have saved me from watching re-runs of shows on Hulu to playing games with my daughter that sometimes I really think she can enjoy as well.

In closing...

Even though it wasn't a long post, I really wanted to just start this up and really contribute and join the community of Giantbomb the right way. I have seen so many members making great blogs and sometimes some that are silly but enjoyable, and I felt that it was my duty as a member to join that army. Thanks for reading, and hope to get some more topics to discuss and hear back from y'all! Time to go feed the baby! :)