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Games I've Completed ranked in Order of How Much I Liked Them

I Intend to add each game as I complete it, changing the order as I go :-) hopefully building some kind of best games list based on my own experiences!!

List items

  • A Link to the Past sees a return to the top down perspective of the original, and it's much better for it. It's the first game in the series where the story plays out in the game instead of being a page of text in the manual and it helps add charm and character to the experience. Easy to pick up and play, but with plenty of depth to make it satisfying. Nintendo took all the best bits from the first two games and polished them up to make one very good game.

  • An outstanding technical achievement, the Source engine has allowed Valve to create a much more atmospheric and visually diverse game than the original Half-Life. The introduction of a physics engine and the new gravity gun weapon add a different layer to the combat and the game's puzzles and thankfully there is less vent crawling and platform jumping this time around. Half-Life 2 also introduces vehicles, and while these initially offer a change of pace, these levels drag on a bit too long. Aside from these new introductions, Half-Life 2 follows the same formula used in Half-Life, just applied with a higher level of polish, and while it is a better game, it lacks much of the innovation of the original.

  • Revolutionary 1st person shooter that raised the bar for the genre. Well balanced weapons and great pacing for the most part. Plenty of atmosphere and ambience in the Black Mesa facility. Let down by the over reliance on tedious platform jumping in the final few levels but overall still very solid and there is a lot of fun to be had, but it has since been surpassed.

  • A worthy expansion. It takes everything that was great in Half-life and enhances it. Playing the story from the other side is a great idea and it really adds another dimension to the original game. The new enemies are well designed and provide far more challenge. The new weapon set feels well balanced, with some more powerful weapons to help deal with the more difficult enemies. Thankfully there's a lot less of the horrible platforming that blighted the end of the Half-Life although there is still a little to much crawling through vents for my liking!

  • For a game released in 1986 it is an astounding achievement, and for the most part it still holds up pretty well today. It introduces a lot of the elements that the series is famous for. The lack of direction in the game coupled with the sheer size of the over world can make it a little frustrating at times, but on the whole it is a lot of fun to play. An important game, not only as it launched one of gaming's greatest heroes, but as it helped shape an entire genre.

  • While not a bad game, Blue Shift feels like a step backwards for the Half-Life franchise. Aside from the High Definition Textures pack that spruces up the graphics nicely, Blue Shift brings nothing new to the table. It still plays as well as Half-Life ever has, but a distinct lack of content ( it's very short, I was able to beat the game in around 3 hours) and a sense of over familiarity hampers the overall experience.

  • Brutally difficult and at times immensely frustrating, yet I still found myself determined to play on. The combat system seems a little unbalanced and unforgiving, and Link seriously needs to get a longer sword!! The magic and the levelling system along with the switch to a 2D side scroller certainly made for a different experience to the original, but it feels like Nintendo tried to make too many changes at the same time and that they didn't quite get them right. If you aren't daunted by the severe challenge it will provide some fun, but ultimately it feels like a step back from the Legend of Zelda.