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Guess who's trying to make EDF patches? Letters still aren't right, embroidery is tricky!

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Fun with Saturn

It's a shame I use what little power I have for utterly pointless shenaniganry. The setup for capturing images and video from systems using s-video is working nicely... so what do I use it for? Do I break out Christmas NiGHTs and get some clearer caps of that? Maybe some nice images of Super Tempo? Hell, maybe Deep Fear for the fans of obscure survival horror?..

Heart Heat Harn is truly a winner!
Heart Heat Harn is truly a winner!


Battle Monsters. A relic from the era of digitized fighters, Battle Monsters is an unbalanced and unredeemable game whose roster includes a claymation demon that may be made of brown clay, twin cave-clown-people-things, a ghost that looks to be wearing a baseball cap backwards and a perky neon green ballerina type who honks "HI!" upon victory. Truly, it is a thing to be remembered.

Also, the Japanese version calls the clay devil 'Strawbelly Jam'. Yep.