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Farewell Toonami

The Final tom
The Final tom
I don't know about all of you guys but toonami was what introduced me to anime. If toonami never aired I never would have seen DBZ, Gundam Wing, Ronin Wariors, all of my early childhood favorites. It also introduced Rurouni Kenshin to me; I watched Duel Masters and Rave Master. Most recently: it showed me Naruto. Where's the english Dub of Naruto gonna air now? it is gonna be hard to say good bye to. 
                                                                                                                                  R.I.P. Toonami
                                                                                                                        You will certainly be missed
Toonami's First Host Moltar
Toonami's First Host Moltar
The more well known host Tom.
The more well known host Tom.
Without Toonami I never would have seen DBZ
Without Toonami I never would have seen DBZ
Toonami showed me this awesome anime!!!
Toonami showed me this awesome anime!!!
Thanks for showing this Toonami!!!!
Thanks for showing this Toonami!!!!