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Let's have an intellectual conversation GB! (About utopias :D)

Alright,so you have probably already heard about utopia. Not the game,not the book,not the movie and not...Something else. No,i'm talking about utopia as an idea. So,basically utopia is world peace everything is great blah,blah,blah. You know all that. Now,the easiest way to do it would be to unite the entire world,however its obvious why this is just fucking redicilous. Its not because of different cultures,we have that in today's countries (Russia,for example) but who would rule,and what langauge would we speak?
So,the speech problem could be solved by using world langauges. Sure,there already is Esperanto which no one uses,but in a situation like this,they'd be forced to learn it. Or maybe we would split into different regions,and then we could talk like that. Sure,that solves the langauge problem,but what about the rulers of this prototype utopian state (lets call it Pangea)? Sure,we could solve it the same as the langauge problem,and split everything in regions. Sure,it works for the US why wouldn't it work for Pangea? Because,just like in US it would require a president/emperor/king/prime-minister/etc,and since humans would,of course,have different opinions it would all end in a worldwide war,except in this case,it wouldn't be a war,but a riot,which would be even worse because this means that there is no one to send orders to those rioting,and this would mean a lot of dead civilians. But the utopian idea does require no goverment.
In other words-anarchy! No,anarchy doesn't have to bad, but it sure as hell wouldn't work. Without goverment there is no police,without police there is no law and without law its not a state its no man's land,that would only end in something like NDH (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska. Can't blame me for promoting my country's history ;)),which was a lawless state where people could kill each other without any consequence. A utopian state would became dfeunct in weeks,maybe even days. 
 Discuss :P