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#1  Edited By apewins

I won't buy it but I don't think it's too expensive as long as it remains optional on top of the regular online. If you're the type of gamer who wants to play that one game of your childhood for 10 minutes to get your nostalgia fix, then sure that is a high price to pay. But if you actually play many of those games then that is a hell of a lot of content for what is not a big price.

edit: Come to think of it, I might buy it. At least for the first year.

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#2  Edited By apewins

It is not necessary for satire to be some high-brow philosophical poetry. Often the message of satire is simply that this thing that we're riffing on is actually dumb so Far Cry, or at least FC 3, fits the bill. Whether that's good satire or bad is up for you to decide.

Nevertheless lots of people hated the story of FC3 despite it selling well, and I think that scared Ubisoft from even trying. You can see how FC 4 sets up a lot of things that never go anywhere and how it ends so abruptly, I assume a lot of that story ended up on the cutting floor. Then they bungled up the marketing for FC 5, but I also think the audience can take some of the blame for themselves when they immediately assumed that this is going to enable them to enact their violent democrat vs republican fantasies, and the game was never about that, but about religious doomsday cults that most people from both sides could be opposed to. I doubt that they, or anyone else, will try to have the United States as a setting again for their sandbox because right now it just comes with so much baggage, much easier to set it up in a fictional land.

As for Far Cry 6, I don't know any more and I doubt Ubisoft knows either. But I think they need to have the story there to differentiate it from games like Just Cause.

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China does care, as is evident by the billions they spend on manipulating public opinion. It's just that they aren't going to fold at the first sight of bad publicity. Reddit for example is filled with China-bots.

My opinion is that Western media companies simply can't operate in countries that don't have freedom of speech. Right now companies are trying to have it both ways and that is simply not sustainable to their brand.

But solving the China problem isn't really Giant Bomb's responsibility. People come here for entertainment, and the weekly sexual harassment report on the Bombcast is bad enough already without adding in genocide and other atrocities. Preaching to the choir might make people feel better about themselves but I don't think it'll solve the problem.

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I've also been thinking about picking this up as an excuse to get out more. Would you say that this is still the best in that genre or is there anything newer on the mobile space making waves?

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#5  Edited By apewins

1. A 3060 is good for streaming and even a lesser card would suffice if you are not simultaneously playing on it. I believe you can even stream on the CPU and that may be better but I'm not sure about the details of CPU vs GPU encoding.

2. If you buy a modern AMD motherboard and CPU then they are already compatible. If you buy something older then there may be compatibility issues but I don't see why you would buy tech that's 5 years old. Of course there may be exceptions so follow the instructions on the box.

3. Depends on the card and case, you have to look at the specs, they will tell you. The capture card is probably smaller than the GPU.

4. If you're not counting the GPU, monitors and other peripherals, then yes $500 should suffice but as always you need to look at your individual needs and you may want to spend a little more than that if possible. For example 8GB vs 16GB RAM makes a big difference and it's only a small increase on the price.

Also think about why you want to be streaming games and what you want to achieve by it so you won't end up buying all this gear for nothing.

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You can expect all the best (or at least most popular) songs from the soundtracks to have disappeared as has already happened with earlier re-releases of San Andreas and GTA 4. Whether they will be replaced with new songs or the soundtrack is just shorter remains to be seen but Rockstar isn't going to go out and re-negotiate the deals for heavy hitters like Michael Jackson, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, 2Pac and Dr. Dre that probably have very high price tags on them. If you're on the PC then perhaps you can mod those songs back in.

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Start with the first one of the reboot series assuming you can get it for cheap. Still looks and plays great. Sure you can get the levels in later versions but I'm not sure if the minor engine upgrades do anything meaningful or if it comes with all the extra content and challenges. I have over 50 hours in the first game alone just doing challenges.

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Nothing about Jeff's paternity leave or other circumstances is surprising though. If their plan was to play through the Bloodborne series in time to get to the Elden Rings launch hype, that plan already unrealistic when they started and it most certainly isn't happening now. It wouldn't be the first feature that they've just unceremoniously abandoned mid-season.

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I'm neutral on Pratt but otherwise the cast seems fantastic. I think it's safe to say that the movie is going to be very different from the games for many reasons and it's weird for people to get hang up on what Mario, a character that never speak in anything other than annoying high-pitched "yahoos" and "wohoos", is supposed to sound like.

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Weird, Crystal Dynamics are far too good to be a support studio. Original developers must have run into some pretty big trouble.

As for Perfect Dark coming back, I feel like we are already living in a dark dystopian future that the original game was warning us about. Also it's being published by one of the companies who are partly responsible for that dark dystopian future. I don't know if that's something that I'm looking for in my entertainment right now.