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Average score of 2 user reviews

Mediocrity meets poor execution. 0

 It is in my nature to be curious, and when a Steam sale put this title for $2.5 U.S. dollars I decided to give it a chance.  Top Gun is a game that flies only by the big franchise game, and has little else going for. The graphics are stale and feel not only old, but poorly executed. Textures are of low quality, airplane models lack detail and there is so little variety of them that the world feels constrained, belittled.  The controls were created for the Xbox 360 controller -an obvious fact on...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Mediocrity meets poor execution. 0

It is in my nature to be curious, and when a Steam sale put this title for $2.5 U.S. dollars I decided to give it a chance.  Top Gun is a game that flies only by the big franchise game, and has little else going for. The graphics are stale and feel not only old, but poorly executed. Textures are of low quality, airplane models lack detail and there is so little variety of them that the world feels constrained, belittled.  The controls were created for the Xbox 360 controller -an obvious fact onc...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.