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Dragon Ball Evolution

Saw it.

It was pretty terrible in an awesome kind of a way. Overall I'd suggest seeing it with some friends, since you'll definitely enjoy it but because you'll be laughing AT it. Here's why:

  • First dialouge exchange between Goku and love interest... genius writing, wasn't awkward or forced sounding at all.
  • I like how the girl lives in a Castle with a courtyard, towers, and a parking lot
  • Futuristic world, where American people act Japanese and Japanese people act American. Meanwhile the world itself is a mix of both, wrap your head around that
  • Attempts at emotion and sadness are hilarious "[straight] My grandfather died, the house collapsed on him [breaks into tears suddenly]"
  • Piccolo is in a giant airship, lol
  • Chow Yun Fat as asian Jack Carver
  • The fourth character is added in randomly, and based off of the fact that he "has a ladder" you have to see it to understand why this is so great
  • The party randomly appears on a volcano for without transition or explanation
  • Goku punches a girl in the face, and makes out with her later

As a side note I'd totally bone either of the female roles, so there's something. I also saw Taken afterwards, which was ACTUALLY good, as opposed to horrible good.