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What's up with....multiplayer only content?

Greetings once again from the land where democracy is funny!
Today, I talk about content available only to those with wi-fi. More accurately, I bitch about it.
Now, we have reasonably fast internet connections, but it turns out that either
a- My mother is exceptionally well-informed and knows that wireless sucks shit here, or
b- My mother's talking out of her ass and doesnt want another bill on her hands.
Now this would all be well and good. I pick up my DS, start playing FFIII. It's all good, I suck at it, so I check an online guide. There's a guide there to getting the best job in the game. Sadly, it involves having 6 or more friends.
I don't even have 6 friends in real life.
None of them have a DS.
I don't have wi-fi.
Now, online achievements on my 360, I can understand, as it unlocks nothing but Gamerpoinits, which you need internet to spend, making it a self-defeating loop trying to collect them offline.
I'm also fine with online-only weaponry(weaponry that can only be used online, like the Banshee in Halo:CE). No problem. It would break the balance in singleplayer.
But unlocking singleplayer content online?