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I see the moon.
It is blue.
Then it grows and fluctuates.
Then it collapses and shrinks down into a smaller blue orb in the sky.
He is someone else.
He who walks the night and watches his protector.
It fears something and the fear is of death.
Maybe all he can do is watch while the solitary orb slowly folds into itself and suffers from something.
I am blind.
I can disassociated with this body.
Something else is present within these bones and this flesh.
Maybe it is the real me.
He would know for he is omnipotent.
He runs this form and I can only control him for so long.
I feel the shards of glass pierce my skin but he feels nothing.
I fear the future and the past, but he fears nothing.
For he only yearns to protect his deity.
What will he do?
They are one with myself, but my body is another.
My soul is calling out.
They scream but he cannot talk.
We all try to hold him, but he fights back.
I don't know how long it will be.
But he will win.
His fingers are dumb, his body numb, his form feels different, but his mind unifies.
We are cleansed and we are he.
He is our only hope.
His wings are immobile and his body is trapped.
He is nature and we are man.
Inseparable but separate.
So much cannot be voiced by such a feral tongue.
I can only say how I can see this form.
I need help, but he is strong.
The blood is warm.
The blood is tasty.
The blood is...