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FF7 Battle Square stalemate!

I bolded and italics some words to make it easier to understand/read. Sorry for grammar or rambling too much haha. It was just so awesome! I had to share it somehow.

Background info: Battle square is a place at Gold Saucer where you can choose 1 of your characters to go into a series of 8 increasingly difficult enemy or enemies. After defeating a spawn of enemies you are told to roll a handicap (works like a slot machine). The handicaps you can get range from Weapon/accessory/armor break, materia break, poison, minimum, slow, total HP/MP is halved etc. And the harsher the handicap the more Battlepoints you get which you can trade in for prizes (the most notable is the item used to learn Cloud's ultimate limit break, Omnislash).

I use Cloud since he's the strongest. Weapon: Ultima Weapon, Armour: Escourt Guard (nullifies cold, poison etc...erm thats all i remember), Accessory: Ribbon (protects against ALL status effects) This isn't a guide so i won't list my materia, but you can except the usual.

So the battles began, I casted Haste since I usually hold off regen and wall for later. The first roll, my accessory broke so I was susceptible to status effects. The next round I was beserked, so i lost control of Cloud, but he was disposing of everything with great ease (haste and counterattack helps alot), even after he was turned into a Toad (atk is halved, i think). Then i think after round 7 I was so unlucky and got Minimized (your character becomes small and all you attacks deal 1 damage). So to sum up everything. I was hasted, poisoned, minimized, a toad and berserked. My escourt guard nullified all the poison damage that it would have been causeing (a taunting "0" kept popping up to remind me of that. But the last monster that had spawned, all of his attacks were Cold! So, you see where this is going xD His attacks did 0 dmg to me! While mine did 1!

NOTICE: Everything after this point is commentary and the aftermath which some may find unnecessary and boring to read.

Yeah, i was like "Whhhaaat?! xD omg woahh dude wtf? lol omg." So i thought to myself, damn i wonder how long it will take to kill this guy doing 1 dmg each time. Remember I was berserked so Cloud was auto-attacking each turn. Eventually the monster ran out of energy and each time it tried to attack it would say "Serpent is out of energy". I quickly checked the back off my guidebook for the Serpent's HP...and yep it had 14000. Then I thought... wait a sec these status effects have to wear off eventually...right? Well I thought.. this guy can't kill me, maybe I should wait a bit. When these stat effects wear off I can use a Remedy and whoop this guys ass in two hits! So I waited a bit. I went to the washroom. Cooked something to eat for snack then came back. And... Toad Cloud was still at it. Slapping away with the feeble 1. I sighed, then i thought damn this is a waste of time, I could probably get more Battle points by restarting, but i didn't want to load up my last save. Maybe the stat effects are permanent in battle square because they except either the player to remove the effects or die from them... Then i though...maybe.. i can run away? So i tried it and yes i ran away, but got no battlepoints for that round. haha.

Well eventually after a few more rounds that went alot more smoothly. I had enough points to get Omnislash. I saved game and called it day =D.

P.S. Cloud, the invincible, relentless toad? Who'd have thought...