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first time perfect (SSF4)

I can still hardly believe it, wow just... oh my god. It took a few moments after the round for me to realize what just happened. Then I looked at my health bar and was like, "what have I done, omg what just happened? O_O did I do that?" Then I felt a smile spread across my face, I was just so happy and amazed at the same time. 
I think I need to watch it again to figure out what he was doing wrong, and I think I'll upload it later to share, just wow... It was me (Rufus) a against a Ryu player, he had around 1000 bp. It was in ranked and I won 0-2. I can't even remember the first round.. It was a little close I remember, I think I had around 30% health left. The second round was just... wow.. I remember getting jf.HK into EX snakes early on.  Then I kept thinking throughout the whole match, "don't get predictable, throw, block, crossup dive kick stuffs srk on wakeup, is he going to uppercut or is he going to stick out limbs, maybe go for overhead or back up and wheel kick, wait I just did that" and wow... somehow I was able to dizzy him and pull out the perfect. At no point was I thinking, "alright I'm gonna perfect this guy," but I ended up pulling it out! Wow.
I spent about a minute or so just sitting on the couch smiling and laughing, and to save the replay. Then I played a few more matches to make sure the win didn't get to my head. =) 
One of the matches I played after was against a 80 bp Cody with the title "Go Easy On Me", I felt sorry for him because I used to be like that. After the first round I could tell he was a genuine beginner. After the match I msg'd him saying "don't stop trying keep at it =)." Because I remembered one time I lost to a Honda player 3-0, and he said the same thing to me after the match and I remember feeling atleast a little bit better.