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Lamenting... ps3 backwards compatibility

Well today I was about ready to revisit some of my other PS2 games. So I popped in my old copy of Dark Cloud 2. But then an error pooped on the screen and said "This model does not support Playstation2 disc format". ='( Well i did some research online to see what's the dill. Since i thought both 60gb and 80gb versions of the ps3 were fully backwards compatible. And I have been useing the PS3 to play through some of my PS1 games. So I learned that an easy way to figure out if it was backwards compatible or not was to check how many USB ports the PS3 had. 2 Ports and it is not, 4 ports and it is. I rushed upstairs and glanced at knelt down to inspect the bottom half my PS3. and lo and behold only 2 USB ports. ARGG I was furious! I rushed downstairs, mumbling a few expletives along the way. Eventually I found out the different models and model numbers and how they differ. (    ) GAH I'm so mad. I started thinking back to the old days when I bought my PS2. Everything seemed so simple. No different models to worry about like today's PS3 or 360. At one point I thought bitterly to myself, "grr should've just gotten a damn Wii..." arrrhh.....