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*RANT* TF2 Sniper Update, repulsive...

*No trolling or flaming please. I'm just expressing my ideas.*
*I realize that Valve is trying to appeal to the casual audience by inciting humor and enabling the less-FPS-oriented to enjoy their game.*

Just disgusting... They plan on replacing the sniper rifle with a quickfire, arching, bow and arrow combo. I guess the idea to pin the guy to the wall was an after thought from the Scout's Sandman. Ugh. From the sounds of it, it'll be just as powerful as a regular bullet, with a faster charge up. "One headshot can mean an instant crit." Uhhh... that's the same for regular bullets.... Snipers already have enough problems as is. TF2 is one of the few games where a rifle shot to the head does not instantly kill someone, but somehow a stab in the back IS. I've lost count how many times I've walked around the corner to find an enemy, quick scoped, headshot, and he's still alive! Also the pee jar idea... are they trying to make snipers look like a joke?

Check it here for yourself:

P.S. Scout update was horrible too imo.