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TF2 Highland Tournament, with a badge for all participants

Here for the whole deal.
Arg, I got so hype just thinking about it finally get my feet in some competitive. Then I'd also have a badge to prove it! How nice, but then I realized I'd be in school when the tournament finally gets underway. I mean I'm gonna be studying AND taking care of myself. But really, it just came back to the same reason why I never get into competitive TF2 in the first place >>> I just don't want to deal with the stress of "hey we have a game to play tomorrow, get on to practice."
From the sound of it this event seems to be more open about including players of all skill level, so maybe the "practicing" that I'm imagining is going to be more lax and casual, but I don't know. So if anyone gets in on it, I would LOVE to hear how it goes, from finding a team to playing the matches, and screenshots of ur character(s) with the spiffy new medal!
P.S. also since it's organized by the EUROPEAN TF2 league (man I am just finding these excuses now), you might be playing on european servers and on european times.