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The deciding factor?

With the upcoming release of Final Fantasy Dissidia (scheduled for Aug. 25th this summer). Maybe I'll finally get a PSP.

I remember the good old days when I would just buy a console becuase I wanted it. I would go up to my parents and say, "Dad... Can I get a Gameboy Colour?" I knew I needed it to play the latest Pokemon games, and that was enough to sell the console to me. But these days there seems to be so many more considerations. Example: which has better graphics, the games that i like, what about  the battery life? What format of music can it handle? I've done lots of background research on just these topics and I have to say, none of it really matters in the end >.> The same applies to buying games. I remember buying every Final Fantasy game that came out since FF7. I didn't care to look at game reviews, how expensive it was, the "new" features or systems implemented in the game. I just knew it was a game and I would definitely have fun playing it.

I read an article in PC Gamer a while ago. With the internet, it makes it harder and harder to make those 'impulse purchases'. The travel to the local game store is being reduced to a few clicks and filling of forms over programs like Steam. Although it seems people are being more cautious with their money (because of the recession), I read an article somewhere saying that Video Games are one of the 10 things we still spend money on (the rest being things like Food, Entertainment, Toiletries etc.).