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winning more with a character you play less than your main?

 Has this ever happened to anyone? That you find you win more with a character that you don't use that often. 
I'm asking because I use Rufus, and my win rate is about 25%, played over 400 matches. But with Blanka my win rate is 54% (but only around 20 matches). A few times I consider to switch to Blanka partly because of this and no one likes losing. Then I wonder if I win just because people have less experience against Blanka. Then I also remember that I can't do down-up charges to save my life, or mash (I always blame the console controller). But there's that player, i think it's wolfkrone or shizza, pad chun li, which is pretty crazy, I cannot imagine mashing punches or kicks upwards of 5 times (consistently) in a few frames. 
I think another part of the draw of playing Blanka is that he doesn't have alot of combos and relies mostly of keeping his opponent guessing and getting of single-attacks that take off over 100dmg. Which explains also why I sometimes like to play El Fuerte (he is just so awesome). I can't remember my win rate with El Fuerte... but I don't remember winning too much. 
comments and discussion are welcome!