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Started Outlast (Thanks PS+!). That game is scary as shit and so intense. I can't take it.

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My 2014 GOTY list featuring other awards!

Well I just accidentally deleted my entire post and I want to cry so I’m just going to give the short version. This year sucked for the industry and personal reasons. We had some good games this year but nothing on The Last of Us or Portal 2's level. I'm pretty tired so I'm going to keep my feelings on each game pretty short. Anyway, here's my list.

Also, all pictures were taken by me.

10. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

I like anime and video games. I just realized everyone was right calling MGS anime which is why i now like MGS. This is the second MGS game I've ever "played" and I use quotations because my first MGS was MGS4 and you hardly play that. Yeah, I'm that guy. This game gets me excited for The Phantom Pain. Also, Kojima is in it and the song Here's To You by Joan Baez is so good. One of my favorite songs in a vidya game this year.

9. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty is secretly a name simulator. Bet Corporal Butts didn't know that.
Call of Duty is secretly a name simulator. Bet Corporal Butts didn't know that.

If you would've told me CoD would be in my GOTY list this year, I would've spit on my hand and slapped you. So I guess I should slap myself huh? This is my favorite CoD since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Adding jetpacks to the multiplayer is so refreshing and fun. The single player is solid as usual.

8. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Actually, Middle earth is a better name simulator then Call of Duty.
Actually, Middle earth is a better name simulator then Call of Duty.

I didn't get a lot of out of the Nemesis System like most people did because I didn't die a lot. The game was a bit to easy in my opinion. It was still a very good game though. I didn't care much for the story or characters because I don't give a hoot about Lord of the Rings but the game itself was fun and there was plenty of side stuff to do. The orcs that just laugh are the creepiest things ever.

7. The Walking Dead Season 2

This season wasn't as crazy good as the first but I guess that was my fault for setting my expectations way high after the first. It was still a very good season though. When some characters died, I got goosebumps and felt like crying. Others had me saying 'Well finally." or "You're a fucking idiot." My Clementine was a badass, probably like most other people. Can't wait for next season for everyone to die all over again.

6. Child of Light

I was thinking of making this description a poem but that's to much. I really like this game, yes, even the dialogue. I like writing poems so I liked that all the dialogue was poetry. The game also looks fantastic, besides Aurora's hair. It looks weird to me. Also, the boss fights were pretty annoying. But all around, it's a really good game.

5. Infamous Second Son

Took this with Photo Mode. This game is a stunner man. dat neon.
Took this with Photo Mode. This game is a stunner man. dat neon.

I'm a huge Infamous fanboy so naturally this will be on my list. The game looks frickin great. Those powers are just ridiculous, especially the neon. Running around the city with neon is just so damn fun, I would turn the game on just to run around, blast some fools and use the photo mode to take some pictures. Delsin and his brother, Reggie also had some great scenes. They worked so well together. Man do I want to replay this.

4. Alien Isolation

Is it year of the good licensed games? First Middle earth, now Alien? What the hell is going on?! I'm obviously not counting the Telltale games for some reason. But yeah, I'm confused about my feelings for this game. I should love it. I mean, I beat it in like 3 sessions. I love these types of horror games, the ones where you have to run and hide from enemies because you can't kill them or it's just a better idea. The game is fucking gorgeous too. The lighting is just ridiculous and the fact that it's practically Alien The Game is a win in my book. I didn't really have any issues with the game besides towards the end when certain enemies kill you if you're not fast enough, which got me pretty pissed during 2 segments. But I guess it makes sense. I mean, you're done if one got onto you anyway so eh. I also loved and hated the save system. Loved it because it made saving the game and challenge and hated it because it scared the shit out of me when I would save. Also, when you get the flamethrower and can finally sort of fight the alien back, all I could think when I would shoot at the alien was "MWAH HAHA! Take that you bastard!" because now you're scaring it. This game is great. Also, sound design is so good. I played the entire game with a headset on. Playing this with a headset is a must. This game is great. Yeah, I think I love it.

3. Transistor

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This game has to be my biggest surprise of the year. I never really played Bastion. Just like the first 20 minutes but I hate playing games on my laptop and KBM could suck it so I quit. Thank Shuhei it's coming to PS4. So I really didn't have any expectations for this game. I just had $20 in my PSN account and it came out and my friend told me to buy it because why not. So I did. Turned out to be a good decision. I didn't know anything about this game going in besides the fact that the people behind Bastion, a well received game, were making it. Literally nothing. I never saw any trailers, didn't know what the gameplay or story was like, absolutely nothing. This game is fantastic. The music is obviously the best thing about it but everything else is still so damn good. Characters, gameplay, voice actors, graphics, etc. Suuuuuuuch a great game. Soundtrack of the year! This is my favorite song of the game. I sometimes just hover over the game on my PS4 to hea the music play.

2. The Wolf Among Us

It seems like everyone forgot about this game. Another Telltale game with great writing. It's also one of my favorite looking games this year. Yeah, it's not a stunner technically but all that neon. It fits the game so well and I just love neon colors, specifically purple. This game had some great fights, characters, writing, etc. Now the wait for season 2.

1. Far Cry 4

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Holy tiger this was fun. Far Cry 3 was my 2013, 2012 GOTY. Because I played it in 2013, not 2012. A new Far Cry is all I wanted from Ubi after beating 3. They're just so damn fun. Throwing meat into an outpost and watching a tiger maul everyone, riding a C4 strapped elephant into one and killing everyone and then sending it off towards some enemies and just blowing shit up (I know, I'm evil), riding a buzzer and raining death onto enemies with a grenade launcher. Just so damn fun! Not much else to say. Here's a video I made of some random animal fights.

So now that I'm done with my top 10, lets move to the other awards. My favorite part of making a GOTY list!

Disappointment of the Year! - Watch_Dogs

Woah man. I'm trippin', digitally.
Woah man. I'm trippin', digitally.

Not much to say really. When the game was announced, I nearly did backflips. Nearly 2 years later, I really didn't care much anymore which was a good thing because this game was pretty forgettable. It was solid but I hated the main character, story was typical gravely voiced man wants revenge, hacking while neat, was nothing game changing and the world was just dull. A real shame.

Runner Up: Destiny. Okay, I didn't play the full Destiny game. Just the Alpha but man was that Alpha shit. I was super hyped for Destiny when it was announced but I played the Alpha and thought. "This is it...?" and ultimately thought to myself, "I would never play this for more then an hour." Oh well!

Best Multiplayer - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

You like jetpacks? You like shooting people in the face? Well here you go.

Ported to PSN Indie GOTY - Outlast

Outlast peens are weird looking. Also, this is from the DLC and this guy is fucking nuts.
Outlast peens are weird looking. Also, this is from the DLC and this guy is fucking nuts.

If this was a 2014 game, it would've ended up on my GOTY list. But alas, it actually came out in 2013 and it got ported to PS4 back in February so I don't count it as a 2014 game. Anyways, I loved this game. I said in my description for Alien: Isolation that I love these kind of horror games. The ones where you can't fight back. Outlast is awesome and scary. I even played through it on insane difficulty, the one where you get one life to beat the whole game. I'm excited for Outlast 2! Yes, Outlast 2 was announced.

Runner Ups - Dust: An Elysian Tail, The Swapper

Most Anticipated 2015 Game - Uncharted 4

Woo, more Uncharted! Also, year of the grappling hook incoming?!

Runner Ups - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, Gang Beasts, Persona 5, Rime, Witcher 3, SOMA, No Man's Sky(???)

2014, 2013 GOTY - Tales of Xillia

As in the best game from 2013 that I played in 2014. This was my first Tales of game and I don't plan on it being my last. I really need to get Xillia 2. Nevermind that. I really liked Xillia. The characters weren't shitty like I expected them to be, I liked the story, even if it was a tad confusing, the combat system is fantastic and the way the game looks is just so good. Also, those anime cutscenes were delicious. I wish more Japanese games would use anime cutscenes.

Runner Ups - Puppeteer, Beyond: Two Souls

Shittiest game I've played all year - Fuse

Man this game sucks. I bought it because it was less then $5 and it was something my brother, friends and I could play. What a waste of $4.50 or whatever it cost.

Runner Up - Crysis 3

Game I should regret playing but I don't - Katawa Shoujo

Okay, it's 99% visual novel and 1% game I suppose. Whatever.