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Week 11 Twenty Ten

This week was pretty simple, it was dominated by my current addiction, I played way to much of this game and spent most of the week either thinking or play it, that game was…

Week 11 Twenty Ten

Final fantasy XIII

Hit 40 hours total play time this week, and loving every minute of it! It only toke 20 hours for this one to click. Everything comes together after a huge long build up. The story has finally started, there is a goal and a bad guy, it finally feels like a final fantasy game. There is a lot more character development than any previous Final fantasy, or jrpg for that matter, the entire first 20 hours were basically fleshing out and developing there back story’s, only recently has the overall epic world ending storyline started to take shape.  This game is straight as an arrow, it feel like a very long dungeon with small story breaks, then more fighting. It did open up recently, a big giant open plain full monsters and side quests.   I love the fighting, it is so fast and tactical, despite the recent influx of constant battles it has not become a grind, and I just haven’t got sick of it yet.

Splinter Cell Conviction

Being a huge splinter cell fan I have been looking forward to this one, it has changed dramatically since it was first shown years ago, a very impressive if short demo. The new style of hud is really nice looking, objectives and context sensitive moves are projected with in the environment, it feels really cool. Graphics are nice; the black and white effect telling you that you’re in the darkness is quite well done. The mark and execute technique is really fun to use but does turn me off a bit, I love the Splinter Cell games for their stealth gameplay, they have always been some of the most pure stealth experiences around. The first game is still one of my all-time faves, and I fear that they may be going away from the sneaky approach. I still feel that the CIA headquarters infiltration mission from the original is the finest stealth level ever, having to silently take down men without any casualties, it was pure stealth bliss. I love to figure out the quietest rout through an environment use as little force and as few gadgets as possible. It felt like I was being pushed to me more aggressive and violent in the demo, hopeful this was only to show off the combat and the Mark and execute gameplay. Despite my fears of less a less sneaky approach I am still looking forward to Sam Fishers next adventure, the story with third echelon appearing as the bad guy and Sam himself going rouge sounds very cool. Plus Michelle Ironsides has the coolest voice ever!


Final Fantasy XIII

I hear the game will last 50 hours so I may get it done this week, depending on how much more I grind in the open plains. The battle system is the most fun I have had with a jrpg in a long time, I can’t get enough

God of War 3

Should I finish FF13 with week, I will definitely be picking up Sony’s latest murder feast. I loved the previous games and the demo I got with District 9 was insane. It looks like another good bloody time in Greece.

Axellion, waiting for a paradigm shift