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Week 15 Twenty Ten

 I can finally see an end to by 09 backlog, only silent hill shattered memory and shadow complex remain unplayed. I decided that I would pick up Forza 3 to celebrate my success and it arrived just in time.

Week 15 Twenty Ten

Super Mario Wii

Stated and finished the horribly title new super Mario bros Wii, and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. Truly classic Mario gameplay, wonderful platforming and great challenge, but it just didn’t click, the visuals are so bad and the game just feels cheap, they didn’t really seem to try that hard. It was fun, and a great throwback, but it didn’t excite me like a new Mario should.

Final Fantasy Tactics

I have been destroyed, only on the third story battle and already getting crushed, it’s funny I seem to remember this happening when I first played tactics way back on the ps1. I eventually got past it, but I do remember getting stuck like this many more times in my all too short campaign. Guess I’m going to need to try and level up before I can progress, either that or I have been missing some strategy.

Nuts & Bolts

This one has been siting unplayed for ages, not sure what possessed me to finally crack it open. Again I was disappointed, I picked it up based on Giant bombs glowing review and so far I am not wowed. I have just been too frustrated by poor level design and frustratingly clunky physics, the vehicle construction is very cool, but the actually gameplay has not enthralled me.

Forza 3

Why did I wait so long to get this one? What an amazing game, it is perfection on a disc. Gran Turismo look out you have been out classed. Everything is so highly polished, the new calendar based season mode works great, the cars control flawlessly, especially with my racing wheel. It is perfect driving simulation, not to daunting but with tons of depth.


Forza 3

I have become addicted, all hope is lost. So many cars, so many events, I haven’t even touched the enormously deep custom painting or the online auction house and already I am hooked.

Nuts & Bolts

Should I find myself with any time to spare away from the track I will continue my weird adventure in Banjo-Kazooie.

Final Fantasy Tactics

Most likely will not get much portable gaming in this week so I may not make any progress toward tactics.

Axellion, shifting into top gear.