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TFW you forget the name of a movie you really want to watch again.

For the past 8 or so years, my life has been consumed by trying to find out the name of one movie.

Okay, a bit dramatic.

It's more like once every three to six months, this movie will pop into my head and I will spend hours searching the internet with no success. Probably doesn't help that I'm not even 100% sure it was a movie and not some TV or mini-series or something.

Anyway, point is I'm reaching out to my fellow Giant Bomb folks for help so I can finally put this mystery to rest.

  • It was Hispanic or Latino in origin
  • Came out in or before 2010
  • It's about a photographer...or maybe a reporter...something like that? I remember him having a camera.
  • It's not City of God. This movie has been the bane of my fucking existence because it's always the first goddamn thing to pop up. Then I'll stumble upon a list of Latino movies that I think will give me the answer, but they don't, but this movie is still on every list. Great movie. Just tot the one I'm looking for.
  • He falls in love with this girl who I'm 99% sure worked at a salon
  • At one point in the movie, he ends follows her home and catches her and her boyfriend (?) fucking
  • big gap in my memory here because I can't for the life of me remember how, but they do end up starting a thing and they end up fucking too
  • The boyfriend confronts him or some shit
  • They fight...I think
  • The girl reveals she's pregnant...I think...dude, it's been so fucking long since I've seen it that it's fading away now. Anywho, I'm pretty sure she's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is so she somehow convinces them to stop fighting...somehow?
  • One of the last shots of the movie is the three of them sitting on a couch with her in the middle.
  • I wanna say most, if not all of the movie took place in a pretty poor area. Like the favela/slums or something like that
  • There were like these weird dancing/party scenes that are kinda hard to describe. It was a bunch of people in a giant circle dancing together, but continuing to move along the circle. In other words, if you looked at it from above, it would look like a slowly spinning wheel...full of people dancing.

You can see why I'm having so much trouble finding this movie lol Seriously though, any help would be appreciated. It's been driving me nuts for years now.

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