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Best of 2009

My top 10 for 2009.

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  • If the supposed difficulty of this game sounds like a turnoff to you trust me, it isn't. Demon's souls is hard but never unfair. I get easily frustrated at video games but despite dying all the time I was able to keep my calm (most of the time anyway) and finish the game satisfied. The atmosphere of the world and the realism of the characters is great. The soundtrack is top notch and the fighting system is nigh flawless. Some people might not like it because they are dying all the time and would call the system "clunky". That's only because they're used to hack n slash games. The dodge button was implemented for a reason. Losing your souls int he beginning sucks, but as the game progresses the amount you'll lose form dying is laughable. Like any RPG you can simply level up if a stage is too hard. Plus you can have up to 2 friends helping you beat a certain level. People leave notes, bloodstains, and you can see their ghosts run around. It's a really helpful system and will prevent many deaths. The game can be hard at times but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. You want hard? Go play any old 2d platformer and you'll get your ass handed to you. Demon's souls is hard only because the game doesn't hold your hand like recent titles. The journey may be tough but boy is it rewarding.

  • Not much to say here, go check every other website. This game has won almost every game of the year award.