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My post from the Ryan Davis tribute Podcast.

I found myself surprisingly affected by the announcement that Ryan Davis passed away yesterday. Here is someone that I had never met in person, but after listening to him talk about video games, and the random ass things that have happened to him over the last 6 years, I feel like I got to know him, at least a little bit. I am normally not one to get so invested in 'celebrities' or when a famous person passes on, but this feels different. Through hearing him speak to the community for so long, he shared a significant part of himself with all of us. He will be deeply missed by the entirety of the gaming community, which, let's be honest, can always use a bit more of the good-natured trash talk that he has offered us all. He made us all better, and I hope that will be his lasting legacy to us all.

This is the response I posted to the podcast page for July 9th, 2013.

Thank you to the bombsquad for putting this podcast together. I started listening to this, and it felt wrong to do anything else while I was listening, so I sat on my balcony in a thunderstorm, drinking whiskey and listened to the whole thing.

By the end, I was crying for the loss we, as a community, have felt, and for the pain that you all at Giant Bomb must be feeling. When it was done, I toasted to Ryan, had one last drink, and poured out the rest for him. It wasn't much, but I'm glad that I the opportunity to share these two hours with every one.

There are no right words for something like this, and I won't pretend that there are, so all I will say is this: Thank you, Ryan Davis, for all the laughs, and for making my week a little bit better for the last 6 years. God bless you all, and take care of yourselves. When you are ready to get back to this madness, we will all be waiting for you with open arms, ready for the craziness that comes out of this site to continue.

- BahamutDuo

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