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#1  Edited By Bandit_Fox

How many chapters/parts are there in this game?

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#2  Edited By Bandit_Fox

It hasn't been that janky for me on the PS3, but I didn't get the patch yet.

One annoyance is when random enemies seem to spawn in. The other night I was walking down a hall after I cleared an area and started fighting a thug when about 6 zombies mauled me from behind. I'm pretty damn sure they weren't there - I went back and checked the area and there weren't any places they could have hid. When I got back to the thug that pack was just gone.

Oh... also, quest tracking is completely f-ed at times. I select a quest and the way point doesn't show up. I switch it off and on a couple times and then it pops up. Annoying, but not a deal breaker.

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#3  Edited By Bandit_Fox

Yeah, I haven't gotten the prompt for the patch either. Did they take it down? If it's as broken as everyone suggests...

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#4  Edited By Bandit_Fox

I loved their old theme. That 70's cop vibe was great. It totally went with the cover art... are they going to update that as well?

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#5  Edited By Bandit_Fox

Wow. A myth from childhood come life!

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#6  Edited By Bandit_Fox

Mission variety is limited, powers are just as hard to figure out as Jeff suggests, and I've just started to get bored with the combat, even after I keep adding new powers. I really wanted to like this, but... 
Metropolis, Gotham and the JLA Watchtower do look/feel grand though.

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#7  Edited By Bandit_Fox

Win!!! Well, scratch that one off the list. I remember glancing over this menu and looking for such an option, but I didn't realize that's how to lock it in place. Still thought, why isn't this build into the inventory menu? I'd think putting these locking options into the the equipment slots would work, or even stacking them onto the model of the character itself. Does it really need a whole menu slot at the bottom? Why no sub-menus?

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#8  Edited By Bandit_Fox

I was looking for that, but I cannot find it in the options. I'm playing it on PS3 - is that a PC only option? I've scoured the settings and can't find it... but that doesn't mean it's not hidden in another menu. 
Which really only adds to my point about issues with menu navigation. :D

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#9  Edited By Bandit_Fox

I really do want to like this game. I've been playing it since Tuesday and whenever my friends ask me what I think, I have to just pause and say, "Ask me again tomorrow". I'm currently a level 12 Fire Speedster and I can't complain about the way it plays - the combos take some learning but it's really fun to chain attacks/powers together and take down 5 dudes at once. Thus far, every new attack/power does feel unique and learning when to use which isn't hard to manage. Actually, combining various powers does make every fight feel unique - not wholly different between battles, but at least it's not like WoW when it's always, "Push 1, 2, 3, one again and 5 to finish them off". I haven't experienced that thus far at least. Punching the crap out of a henchman and then finishing them off with heat vision before zooming across the room to land a heavy punch on the next guy isn't only fun, but is really fluid (barring lag problems).

However, I cannot get past how goddamn janky the interface and visuals can be. 
The menus can take a second to load - I know that sounds whiny, but in an action MMO that's critical. If I'm popping open my menu to get at my inventory to equip new health packs, waiting 5 seconds to access the proper menus and options is a matter of life and death. In general it's not a problem, but it can be tedious even out of battle looking at various options while selecting cases/optimizing equipment/looking up instances, etc.
The maps are garbage - you can see the different areas, but placing waypoints doesn't always work and it can be hard to tell where you are in relation to the entire map as each individual section is represented as its own map. Why? No idea. Metropolis and Gotham are huge, but breaking it down into so many sectors makes it really hard to parse. Each section on the map itself isn't visually distinct enough on the map itself to justify it. Maybe it'll get populated with more stuff, but that seems like a stretch. Also, navigating between zones can be really confusing. Each section is separate, so if you're looking at one area and want to get look at the one right next to it, it will shift focus when selecting between the two and it can make it hard to manage. 
My character looks... great? What's the point of giving you all these customization options if you're just going to cover everything with idiotic looking armor? I know it's a common complaint that every MMO has, but why do this in a Superhero MMO? Superheroes derived most of their iconicism from their visual aspect: Superman's cape, Batman's symbol, Wonder Woman's tiara and wrist guards. There was a lot of thought that went into their initial design to visually communicate who they are, what they represent and even hint at their powers. How the hell are other players supposed to tell that I am a knock-off of the Flash at a glance with a spike covered army helmet, gaudy shoulder pads and giant crab claw gloves on in addition to my bulky armor!?

The visuals aren't all bad though. The cities look great. I think it runs on some variant of the Unreal engine so occasionally textures will pop in, but whatever - I've played GoW so I'm used to it personally and it doesn't break the action too much. Gotham is dark, Metropolis is light and the JLA Watchtower is actually impressive. 
Just thought I'd share. There seems to be a lot of questions about the game with no current (non-beta) players offering much at the moment in terms of impressions/advice. If anyone is curious about other visual aspects in the game, or just curious about anything in the game, feel free to reply and I'll do my best to help.

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#10  Edited By Bandit_Fox
@SuperfluousMoniker said:

" @Bandit_Fox said:

" Wow... messed up.  I can understand why   Molyneux fired the guy though. Regardless of the messed up imagery of the video. You can't have your subordinates openly mocking the heads of direct competition. Freedom of speech isn't the issue here - you are become a representative of a company when you are employed are always acting on their behalf. Public forms of slander/libel of another company not only open a company up for potential litigation, but can look really bad in the public eye. "
What? This has absolutely nothing to do with Lionhead. It's a depiction of someone's personal opinion. Unless he was actively working on this while on the job, him being fired for it (assuming that part of the story is even true) is ridiculous, and I can't believe anyone would defend it. Your statement about always representing your company has terrifying implications if exposed to even the slightest of slippery slopes. "
It does have terrifying implications. But that is how the game is played today.

I never said that I agree with their position, but that I do understand it. This video is offensive (while being kind of creepy and sort of funny) to Nintendo. Microsoft, as any corporation, doesn't care about the individual - they only care that the individual is affiliated with Microsoft. Thus, the actions of an individual that come to the attention of the corporation as it relates to the industry that they are a part of will only be viewed from the perspective of the corporation and how it may impact the health of the organization. Molyneux could have ignored it, laughed it off and kept going on with his day when he saw it. But what if a few months after that, Reggie called Molyneux, was offended and knew that this guy was someone he hired/retained having this knowledge? Large news outlets have generated political scandals over less (see the Palin/Gibbons/Target map argument that is happening right now).

It sucks but it is a reality of corporate culture. With people living their lives on the internet and the line between public and private life blending, corporations are seizing the opportunity to inspect the individuals that make their corporation. They then use that data to make assessments about an individuals place in their corporation. For example, it's become common practice for HR representatives to search the Facebook profiles of applicants off the record and make judgments about if they should hire the individual, regardless of their resume and qualifications. From the perspective of the corporation, if two applicants are equal but one has pictures of them partying hard on their profile while the other has only simple face pictures available, it's a no brainer for the corporation to judge that the latter is less of a risk to the company.  
I think it sucks that the guy was fired and if I had been in Molyneux's position, I wouldn't have done it. Then again, I'm not in his position and don't have his mind set about maintaining a public image and dealing with my competition, so such speculation is futile.