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@ntm said:

Alright, so I've done just about everything in Sekiro, I just have to fight the final boss and fight demon of hatred if I want. I don't really see the need to put the majority, if any boss names in spoiler tags, but I've seen some do it on here and that's an end game boss so I did it. Anyways, I have to say, I did enjoy the game, but it's probably my least favorite Souls-esque game, even more than DS3 I think. I didn't really care all that much for the atmosphere (there felt like a lack of places to visit too), the boss fights were 'meh' and the soundtrack didn't do a whole lot for me. I am honestly not sure if I'll even finish the game. I might just move on since I feel like I saw what I wanted from it. I'll perhaps go back and beat it before another From game comes out, and I'll most likely just watch the cutscene for after you beat the final boss. I only fought the end boss twice, but I just don't care that much to continue.

So, for me, it goes Dark Souls 1, Demon's Souls, Blood Borne, Dark Souls 2 (and Nioh), Dark Souls 3, then Sekiro.

Oh, I know I didn't add it on here, but I did beat The Surge last year and I really liked that game too. Not sure where I'd place it. I'd feel bad for putting it near last, but I am not sure I like it more than DS3.

throw demon of hatred off the cliff like i did.

that's where I was with that game... ambitious plat ? nah...fuck it, let's go cheap, not worth it.

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Out of From games, I really played Sekiro and Bloodborne (platinum'ed both). Briefly touched DS3 while it was on sale in 2020, but no real insight into this one.

Both done in NG+ to get trophies, and I wouldn't come back to Sekiro even if they released some content DLC. While with BB, I've just returned to OldHunters (NG+, it's tough bitch :D ) and would probably digest on any additional stuff they would add to this game. So for me, certainly BB over Sekiro, and probably over DS3. DSx is just....slow compared to BB, while maybe being actualy more of RPG than BB, and certainly more than Sekiro.