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Games That Define What I Play

If you look at these games in terms of my overall play collection, you'll start to see what I tend to enjoy in games.

List items

  • Best RPG ever made. Nothing even comes close. Take note other games: random battles are not cool.

  • Sad to say that I'm an altoholic. There's something therapeutic about seeing that bar hit the last peg and seeing your character bathed in white lite.

  • Goes without saying, but truly one of the best "experiences" I've ever had playing a game.

  • This is the best Metal Gear Solid game, and MGS is the best stealth series ever made.

  • The story is stupid, the characters are stupid (and look like steroid-pumpin' retarded wrestlers), and the game has a terrible color palette, yet no other game comes close when it comes to third-person based action. It's just shoulders above the rest.

  • Yes, the perk system is addictive, the game is incredibly balanced, and also beautiful to look at. It's a shame MW2 forgoes much of what made COD4 special in order to provide a more "epic" experience. This game is still the best online fps experience that exists.

  • So this game is kinda meh if you look at it without the nostalgia goggles on, but come on -- who didn't play this with a bunch of friends and have a totally kick-ass time?

  • Mega Man, take note: THIS is how you make a platformer. An OBSCENE number of secrets, levels, and items awaits you in what is by far the best NES game released. Unlike most everything else from the 80s, Mario 3 can still be enjoyed solely on the basis of its merits.

  • While Guitar Hero introduced the concept, it was Rock Band that Harmonix truly won me over with. I thought I was the bad-boy, but Harmonix threw a pair of drum sticks in my hands and made me their bitch all over again. Thanx guys.(also, despite what you may have been told, singing is fun!)

  • I love football, and Madden brings it every year. Unfortunately, NCAA always seems fit to stand in its shadow (a shame as I'm much more of a college ball fan), but Madden still finds a way to be innovative each and every year. Non-sports fans may gawk, but once they see the pro-tak system in action, it's hard to not be impressed by what's at work.