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The Mighty Marioosh and other info

Yes I've finally beaten Mario Galaxy in 5 days with 61 stars altogethor just before my sister sells it on Ebay, will do a review of it my rating on Galaxy is 9.4/10. To be honset it was an enjoyable going through planets does remind me a of a British TV comedy called The Mighty Boosh where there are these 2 charcters called Howard and Vince and they go through alot of crazy stuff and entering other worlds which is funny look it up on Youtube if your not sure on what it is. The game does remind me of it a little.

Getting Soul Calibur 4 on PS3 and FF4 ON DS by this week, I'm really enjoy playing We Love Katamari rolling up anything in sight does give me an idea for Art where I'll get a tennis ball and just roll up anything by useing super glue along with it.


I love the soundtrack while playing, and also the Mario Galaxy soundtrack in the game was really worth listening too.


Wii hate Katamari

Got my late birthday presant from my sister she got me We Love Katamari (PS2).

Finding Katamari is very additcive game specially listening the soundtrack during gameplay and rolling up random items.

Progress on Mario Galaxy I've so far collected 28 stars so I'm sort of halfway I think pending on how long it is, Been hooked on to Galaxy for hours over the past 3-4 days now. I've been real lazy by waking up around 2.30pm in the aftrnoon have been keeping myslef busy by going to Gym or clcyling.