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#1  Edited By billcosby2004

Never, I inherit clothes from my brothers who shop at American Eagle, Express, etc.  They may be old shirts and jeans but they're free.  And that leaves me more money to spend on video games.

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#2  Edited By billcosby2004

That's where communication between your teammates will really come in handy.  You have to rely on what they see and call out, and also visible cues like when you see fire off in the distance with no name over their heads.  Tactically move up behind cover whenever possible and getting the drop on your opponents is the best way to approach hardcore I've found.  But my k/d is only 1.37, so I'm sure there's even better strategies out there than that.
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#3  Edited By billcosby2004
@coolarman said:
@HandsomeDead said:
" This thread shows not only a complete show of elitism but how bad the action genre has become. Take films like Terminator, Terminator 2, The Matrix, RoboCop, Last Boy Scout, Taken, Die Hard, Speed, Aliens and many more aren't dumb. The premises may be unrealistic but they're well written, exciting and have more interesting characters and situations than most 'serious' films. In fact, the first four I list there probably have more depth than a lot of the movies that get nominated for the Best Film Oscar every year. "
I am talking about modern action films. Films with Statham in it or some other guy like that. Also i have seen Terminator 1 and 2 and i really liked them as well as the new one but most other ones are pretty stupid and i prefer serious films because its deep and awesome. Like the Shawshank Redemption "
I liked me some Shawshank Redemption too, own it and have watched it probably dozens of times.

However, I don't understand the hatred for Statham films.  Granted not all are great, but the whole idea behind Crank was that it was supposed to be like a live action video game, and since we're on a video game website, it would seem like a film aimed at many of us.  It was oftentimes hilariously ridiculous and implausible, but I think that was the point of the film.  Crank was just a fun action movie.  Key word - fun.   That's key to a good action movie.  If it's fun and entertaining - good, if it's not - bad. 

It seems like you like dramas, so you could break it down the same way for that genre - if it's deep, character focused and well developed - good, if it's not - bad.  It's not like  you can argue that every drama is a fantastic movie experience just because you have an affinity for some of the classics of the genre.  Same thing goes for action movies.
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#4  Edited By billcosby2004
@GreggD said:
" So...Wait a minute, I'm confused. Which one of you guys is the incorrect fanboy, here? "
All of them.  Ridiculous.  Not worth reading most of the responses in this thread that talk about systems in any way, shape or form.

I liked the demo alot and would buy infamous if I had the money.  It's Crackdown-ish, which makes it insta-win.
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#5  Edited By billcosby2004

How do you know that Oprah says, unless you watch Oprah!? Lame!   j/k  :)~

I think the guys deserve a day off from the standard content considering all they delivered this past week.  I mean they're still uploading E3 interviews today, so they probably still have alot of content to sift through and upload.  I say let them take a breather this week, then bitch about it if they slack next week.
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#6  Edited By billcosby2004

Completely agree with Mass Effect 2 as #1, just an awesome, awesome showing from Bioware! 

I would put The Last Guardian and Uncharted 2 right up there too.  The Team Ninja Metroid looked sweet to me, another Mario Galaxy = more awesome.  The dramatic improvements on display in Assassins Creed 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.  Alan Wake actually existing.

Really everyone had a decent amount of quality to show off this year, which was a nice change of pace after the past few E3's.

On a side note, does anyone know when is supposed to show up on XBL?  I'm really looking forward to that.

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#7  Edited By billcosby2004

I completely agree with you on the map pack thing, it pisses me off to no end that I can't play Team Swat now because I can't afford to shell out any extra money for the DLC.  I had to choose between Broken Steel and the Halo maps, and after being burned by the only-passable quality of the previous map packs (they couldn't even get the Lockout remake right), the choice was obvious for me. 

I really enjoyed Halo 3's campaign though.  Maybe that had something to do with all the 4 player co-op fun I had when the game came out (searching for glitches, jumping outside the boundaries of the maps, etc), and then getting the Legendary acheivement by myself last summer (which was tough, but fun and rewarding).    I thought H2's campaign was the way you described Halo 3's.
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#8  Edited By billcosby2004
I didn't just talk about how much it sold.  I talked about the influence it had on console FPS's (rebounding health shields, balanced weaponry only carrying 2 weapons at a time, strategy, open ended battles, smart and wily AI), and integrated online play for the genre (Halo 2's multi, Films, Forge).  It gets some attention due to how much it sells, both positive and negative, but it also gets attention because the game experiences are actually quite good.  That may not line up with your opinion, and that's fine, but there is definitely alot of qualiy within each Halo game.  Minus Halo 2's campaign.  I cannot argue in any way shape or form that it was good.   
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#9  Edited By billcosby2004

Umm a "little" shooter game that sold many millions.  And single-handedly saved M$ in the video game industry.  And proved that console shooters could work beyond Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.  And provided the template for how online shooters should be done.  And has 300,000 people playing online at any given moment.  

I've played Half Life, Shadow of Chernobyl, Timesplitters, Crysis, Counterstrike etc.  And in terms of fun Halo is right up there with the rest of them.
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#10  Edited By billcosby2004

Beat em ups have trouble standing up to the test of time.  Even TMNT, Simpsons, and 6 player Xmen. 

That being said, Streets of Rage 2 & 3 > Final Fight.