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Bad experience at gamestop plus aftermath..

So I went to gamestop to trade in my game lost oddessy and resident evil 4(ps2) so I could either get graw2 or las vegas, I ended up getting las vegas. But anyway soon when I went to the counter I told the guy I wanted to trade in some games, he didn't even look at me or anything just completely ignored me.. So I just stood there for like 15 seconds to see if he will say anything nothing! So I repeat myself as nicely as I can in saying, I have some games I wanted to trade in nothing he just stood there on his computer without a care in the world.. Another customer had to get me, so me and him was talking about dead space and he was saying how awesome it was but how short it was aswell..I told him what did you think was better dead space or bioshock, then he butted in about something about dead space still ignoring me or what not and pretty much had a whole conversation and everything.. Very Very unprofessional..I was really upset they are not suppose to act like that, what soon when I got home I looked up gamestop main site, and wrote a report on what happen so hopefully the distract manager calls me up tomorrow or soon so I can talk to him about it and hopefully he eitehr fires the guy or talk to the guy one so atleast I will not go through that ever again at that store with him.. justice will prevail!

*Edit* well one day later..

Well talk to the gamestop manager that I know, and everything was settled, was pleased how everything work out and now I am ok and fine how everything went and stuff. Just a reminder to everyone who shop at gamestop to be social and friendly when you go in, because someone could be loaded with work or just very extremely busy. So it doesn't hurt to spark up a conversation with them and let them know they are doing a good job. Because employee is helping you out and you are supporting the employee and everyone wins in the end.. -BlackJedi