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BlackJedi's forum posts

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#1  Edited By BlackJedi
@Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said: 
you said it was legally rape since there was no consent tho? "
Bestiality is legally rape because animals cannot consent.  Yes.   "
and why can't they consent because they can't speak?
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#2  Edited By BlackJedi
@EternalInfinity0 said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @EternalInfinity0 said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @EternalInfinity0 said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @TomWhitbrook said:
" @BlackJedi: Cite your source. Find me an example of a place with legal gay marriage where human animal marriage and polygamy have since become widespread as a result of that relaxation of the law. Then explain in what manner those things are harmful, citing appropriate social studies. I'll generously accept wikipedia links. "
I could explain that and waste time or you could look it up since you are a big researcher yourself. "
I was going to look up a facepalm pic, then I decided it wasn't worth it.  Just thought I'd let you know. "
Thanks but its the truth. "
No... no, not so much, really. This concern is perfectly legitimate, given that, as I recall, the spark of this debate was your insistence that gay marriage legalization is a herald of bestial- and polygamous- marriage legalization.  "
The spark in the debate was that it would never be legal in which case I debated it very well could. "
Well, anything COULD happen. Though, I imagine, if either of those things ever becomes legal, it will be because there has been a major revolution in popular thought regarding the topics. Who are we to say that, in 100 years, polygamists won't be fighting for marriage rights in the same way gays are now, or blacks did before them (that is to say, with decent people supporting them and bigots opposing them)? "
you saying anything could happen which as well could we semi agree on something...
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#3  Edited By BlackJedi
@Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @Whisperkill said:
" I just want to give my two cents about the animal marriage thing and say that even if animals could legally give consent, I would be against it because it just goes against human nature. If animals were much more intelligent and could communicate with humans it would be much more of a grey area. This topic actually interests me. Like, if intelligent life from another planet came to earth would relations with them be taboo? Is sexual relations with another race only acceptable if the other race is humanoid? If animals were as intelligent as humans would marriage be ok? 
@crusader8463 said:
" Good for them. Why shouldn't everyone have the right to be equally miserable? "
Also, hahahaha... Why the fuck does everyone think being married makes people miserable when in fact it does pretty much the opposite? "
We're just really smart animals ourselves.  Big dumb monkeys with an overdeveloped sense of our own self-worth. "
you are just proving me right more and more with that talk. "
Biologically speaking we are animals.  If you are using this as some sort of backwards way of suggesting that I'm okay with us screwing sheep, then well -- go ahead.  I'm not really interested in disputing the absurd. "
Thats pretty much what you are saying though LOL. "
Nope.    But will you admit that you reject the Biological definition of the word animal?  I'd just like to classify you as anti-science for the purposes of my further enjoyment. "
not gonna happen but u can. lulz "
But, the Biological definition of animal includes humans.   You either accept that or you don't.  We are part of the Kingdom Animalia.  We are Mammalia.  We are in the family of Hominidae.  We are animals, according to the science of Biology.    What does any of that have to do with gay marriage or bestiality? "
This isn't a debate or wasn't apart of it.
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#4  Edited By BlackJedi
@TomWhitbrook said:
" @BlackJedi: Don't lie to my face. I dislike your bigotry, but I respect your right to an opinion. But I cannot abide a liar. I presented my facts several times, and you've come up with nothing. "
That in itself is a lie, so I should say to you don't lie to my face.
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#5  Edited By BlackJedi
@Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" Actually, I've said it many times.  Bestiality is legally considered rape, so it's rape.  That's how what you said is rape.    There isn't really much of a debate, since the law dictates what is and what isn't rape.   "
lol the law also said between man and woman in marriage your view is flawed. "
I've never disputed this, so I don't think you actually know or understand what argument I'm making.   "
u haven't dispuated anything accept trying to compare race to gay marraige. "
This sentence literally makes no sense.  That's not the way you use the word disputed.  But yes, I am comparing black people being allowed to get married, to homosexuals being allowed to get married.  Yep.  I am making that comparison.  That is what is happening right now.  We agree.   "
yup thats why I am making the comparison of gay marriage to beastiality glad we understand each other. And no we dont agree, since race and sex is not the same thing. "
 Well, gay marriage and bestiality aren't the same thing, but that hardly seems to matter to you.  But you're absolutely right.  I am comparing sexual preference to race -- in terms of marriage.  And yes, you are comparing consensual sex between to adults to rape.  These are the things we are doing.  I think we understand each other very well. "
again, how is it rape if animals could consent. You seem to think animals can't because they aren't smart enough again is flawed. "
It is legally rape.  I don't care whether or not animals can consent at this point of the argument.  You clearly think that animals just love getting buggered by us.  I'm not in any way interested in discussing that with you.  I am only talking about what is and isn't legally rape.    You are comparing homosexual relations (which is legally not rape) to bestiality (which is legally rape).  That's all I'm saying.  If you don't think it is actually rape, then good for you.   "
its not what I think, its what you think. and you mean homosexual relations was legal, in many different countries it was illegal for the longest time, you just don't believe that animals could consent in that stiuation and you can't think passed it. What is illegal now could be leagal anywhere tomorrow or via future. "

"and you mean homosexual relations was legal, in many different countries it was illegal for the longest time," 
This is completely irrelevant information.  I said that homosexual sex is not legally considered rape.  This is a fact.  I don't care if it is legal or what other countries think about it.  It's still consensual, and that's all that matters to me.
"you just don't believe that animals could consent in that situation ..." 
You're still ignoring the fact that I don't care.  I don't care whether animals can consent.  All I said was that they cannot legally consent.  That is the only point I've been making. "
You debated pages worth that it was rape and now you are saying you don't care? thats all u have been talkin about. "
It is rape.  It is legally rape.  There is no debate.  By legal definition, it is rape. How many times do I have to say this?  I'm saying I don't care whether or not homosexual sex is considered legal.  That's completely different than caring whether or not it is rape.  These are two different things! "
you said it was legally rape since there was no consent tho?
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#6  Edited By BlackJedi
@Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @Whisperkill said:
" I just want to give my two cents about the animal marriage thing and say that even if animals could legally give consent, I would be against it because it just goes against human nature. If animals were much more intelligent and could communicate with humans it would be much more of a grey area. This topic actually interests me. Like, if intelligent life from another planet came to earth would relations with them be taboo? Is sexual relations with another race only acceptable if the other race is humanoid? If animals were as intelligent as humans would marriage be ok? 
@crusader8463 said:
" Good for them. Why shouldn't everyone have the right to be equally miserable? "
Also, hahahaha... Why the fuck does everyone think being married makes people miserable when in fact it does pretty much the opposite? "
We're just really smart animals ourselves.  Big dumb monkeys with an overdeveloped sense of our own self-worth. "
you are just proving me right more and more with that talk. "
Biologically speaking we are animals.  If you are using this as some sort of backwards way of suggesting that I'm okay with us screwing sheep, then well -- go ahead.  I'm not really interested in disputing the absurd. "
Thats pretty much what you are saying though LOL. "
Nope.    But will you admit that you reject the Biological definition of the word animal?  I'd just like to classify you as anti-science for the purposes of my further enjoyment. "
not gonna happen but u can. lulz
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#7  Edited By BlackJedi
@TomWhitbrook said:
" @BlackJedi: I've read every one of your posts and came up with nothing. You'll have to copy and paste it in, because I'm just not seeing it. Like I said, I can wait. here's your big chance. "
You haven't came up with anything really? Wheres your big chance you haven't really presented anything from the other guy? I presented my facts.
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#8  Edited By BlackJedi
@Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @Meowshi said:
" Actually, I've said it many times.  Bestiality is legally considered rape, so it's rape.  That's how what you said is rape.    There isn't really much of a debate, since the law dictates what is and what isn't rape.   "
lol the law also said between man and woman in marriage your view is flawed. "
I've never disputed this, so I don't think you actually know or understand what argument I'm making.   "
u haven't dispuated anything accept trying to compare race to gay marraige. "
This sentence literally makes no sense.  That's not the way you use the word disputed.  But yes, I am comparing black people being allowed to get married, to homosexuals being allowed to get married.  Yep.  I am making that comparison.  That is what is happening right now.  We agree.   "
yup thats why I am making the comparison of gay marriage to beastiality glad we understand each other. And no we dont agree, since race and sex is not the same thing. "
 Well, gay marriage and bestiality aren't the same thing, but that hardly seems to matter to you.  But you're absolutely right.  I am comparing sexual preference to race -- in terms of marriage.  And yes, you are comparing consensual sex between to adults to rape.  These are the things we are doing.  I think we understand each other very well. "
again, how is it rape if animals could consent. You seem to think animals can't because they aren't smart enough again is flawed. "
It is legally rape.  I don't care whether or not animals can consent at this point of the argument.  You clearly think that animals just love getting buggered by us.  I'm not in any way interested in discussing that with you.  I am only talking about what is and isn't legally rape.    You are comparing homosexual relations (which is legally not rape) to bestiality (which is legally rape).  That's all I'm saying.  If you don't think it is actually rape, then good for you.   "
its not what I think, its what you think. and you mean homosexual relations was legal, in many different countries it was illegal for the longest time, you just don't believe that animals could consent in that stiuation and you can't think passed it. What is illegal now could be leagal anywhere tomorrow or via future. "

"and you mean homosexual relations was legal, in many different countries it was illegal for the longest time," 
This is completely irrelevant information.  I said that homosexual sex is not legally considered rape.  This is a fact.  I don't care if it is legal or what other countries think about it.  It's still consensual, and that's all that matters to me.
"you just don't believe that animals could consent in that situation ..." 
You're still ignoring the fact that I don't care.  I don't care whether animals can consent.  All I said was that they cannot legally consent.  That is the only point I've been making. "
You debated pages worth that it was rape and now you are saying you don't care? thats all u have been talkin about.
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#9  Edited By BlackJedi
@EternalInfinity0 said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @EternalInfinity0 said:
" @BlackJedi said:
" @TomWhitbrook said:
" @BlackJedi: Cite your source. Find me an example of a place with legal gay marriage where human animal marriage and polygamy have since become widespread as a result of that relaxation of the law. Then explain in what manner those things are harmful, citing appropriate social studies. I'll generously accept wikipedia links. "
I could explain that and waste time or you could look it up since you are a big researcher yourself. "
I was going to look up a facepalm pic, then I decided it wasn't worth it.  Just thought I'd let you know. "
Thanks but its the truth. "
No... no, not so much, really. This concern is perfectly legitimate, given that, as I recall, the spark of this debate was your insistence that gay marriage legalization is a herald of bestial- and polygamous- marriage legalization.  "
The spark in the debate was that it would never be legal in which case I debated it very well could.
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#10  Edited By BlackJedi
@TomWhitbrook said:
" @BlackJedi: Not good enough at all. You complained we weren't listening to your arguments, but when asked to present them, you won't. I wonder why that is? "
All of the pages back I listed them you just choose to ignore them is all.