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#1  Edited By blandersong

The question about Dark Souls being a success, begs the additional question, "A success compared to what? CallofDuty? Skyrim? New Super Mario Bros?

I played through Dark Souls three times, but that was because I cheated with the dragon head glitch to make the game easier. After the 1.05 patch came out, I sold it. I think the single biggest problem with this game is that it lacks a difficulty setting. It is too difficult and lacks story to be labeled as an RPG game and too clunky and scattered to be labeled as an action platformer game. Dark Soul's biggest problem is that it is hard to define what type of game it is, and even if you try to categorize it, it falls short. It is a niche game. I originally bought this game because I like RPGs on the xbox 360 like Fallout 3, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption. I found the character leveling system to be too difficult compared to what I typically like to play, so I cheated. After that, I started enjoying this game more as an action platforming type of game and loved it.

To make this game more appealing to the masses, the developer needs to add more RPG customization options and difficulty settings and story to bring it up-to-date with modern RPG gaming, or abandon the RPG elements and go more toward action platforming.

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#2  Edited By blandersong

This game needs separate difficulty settings, period.