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New Reviews, plus: My luck continues unabated?

So with going up, I registered over there. If you want to follow me, be my guest. I'm really glad Screened opened, incidentally. I've tried editing IMDB in the past, but their editing guidelines are a little too strict; despite perfectly following their obtuse submission rules, a vast majority of the content I tried to add to IMDB was never approved. Meanwhile, Screened lets me go nuts - so far I have taken the articles for Monster Squad and Killer Klowns from Outer Space under my wing and filled them out to the best of my ability. Given that I wrote the Killer Klowns article while watching the movie on Hulu, I should probably put together a review. I already posted other (very short) reviews for X-Files: I Want To Believe and Trick 'R Treat, which are revised versions of reviews I posted on IMDB a while ago. Might go through some of my older IMDB reviews and do the same, but really, I don't review movies like I review games.
Speaking of game reviews, if you haven't seen it, I wrote up a brief review for Sonic Classic Collection here at Giantbomb. Somebody at (where I work) already reviewed it - with a very glowing review, no less - but since I recently started fooling around with it, I decided to write my own take. Obviously, I was a little less than impressed. I don't think it'll be going up at TSSZ, though to be honest, I haven't asked Tristan if I should or not. If you missed it the first time. my Sands of Destruction review is here, now, too. 
In other recent news, I had something ironic happen recently. You may or may not recall my blog from a couple months ago about Xbox Live Gold, and how I had managed to score one free year. Well, yesterday, I received a package in the mail - if you've been on Xbox Live enough you have no doubt stumbled upon these "Download & Win" sweepstakes things, where you have to download some sort of Gamer picture (usually an advertisement) and in doing so you're entered to win? Well, according to this package I received, I am the grand prize winner of 30 years of Xbox Live Gold and 32,000 Microsoft Points (about $400 worth). All I have to do is fill out the 9 or so pages of release forms, notarize them, and send'em back. So, basically, I won't need to renew my XBL Gold subscription until the year 2040 - I'll be 56 years old. That's assuming Xbox Live Gold will even still exist in 2040. Also, 32,000 points might sound like a lot - but I've already made a list of the XBLA games I might want to buy and it totals up to about 22,000 points. It kind of sucks that I apparently can't buy any "Games on Demand" with points - I'd probably get Crackdown or Saints Row 2 or something.
The side benefit is winning the Sweepstakes has finally pushed me to go get a new State ID - I lost my wallet years and years ago, and I never went back to the DMV to get a new ID or any of that stuff (I never was in a situation where I needed it). What this means that I can finally request a payment from Survey Savvy. For whatever reason, Survey Savvy won't just deposit the money in to my Paypal account - I have to request they send me a check, something I've never been able to cash until now. I think I've spoken about Survey Savvy in blogs way, way, way in the past; essentially, once every week or two they send you surveys about your buying habits and other stuff. For every one you complete, you get about $1 to $3 or so (though on a few rare occasions, you'll hit an extremely high-profile survey for $10, $15, sometimes even $20+). I've even gotten surveys about upcoming videogames - around the time Dead Space 1 was officially announced, I completed a survey from EA about how I felt about the game's "tone" (if I preferred bloody horror or something that was more cheesy and campy, stuff like that). It can obviously take a while for money to accumulate, but I've got about $30 sitting there waiting to be paid out, and as far as I know, it's legit. It's not going to pay the bills, but if you want a little extra money on the side, it's nice. Plus, if I refer you, I get a bonus. ;) 
I think that's about it, for now. I have other things I need to do (like finish this paperwork). I leave you with a Work-In-Progress piece of sprite art I've been fooling around with the last couple days:

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