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Guess I need a PS4 before the end of the year. Glad I already have a Wii U!

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Giant Bomb getting ads?

I'm sure everyone has seen Jeff's post by now. (Incase you haven't)
Epic speech I must say, even if you guys were kinda off the deep end during E3. (Understandable) 
Personally, I paid for "the previous website". I did it because of the people there, I wanted them to be getting my hard earned money directly (although I'm sure CNET (or whoever it was) saw most of it. But for GB, I'm sure you guys would see 100% or near that of the profits. Why not try a subscription model instead of ads and paying a corporation for your success? I get that you may not want to segregate people based on their income, but if you at least give an option of ads, fewer ads + $5 a month or just $10 a month or something like that, I think it could work. 
Just my 2 cents though, good luck guys and keep the info coming!