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#1  Edited By Blitzriggerlee
I will have to check up on some of those rpg's you listed, I am pretty picky when it comes to those. I really miss the turn based battles with menu options, but thats just me, so I will look into the battle system for those. FFXIII is a no brainer, but with the way they left the older combat systems just fall away I will play it with a grain of salt. And no worries on the link stuff.
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#2  Edited By Blitzriggerlee
I did play mass effect on PC, And i just checked out the review for shadow complex and it looks neat, will definitly give it a go. thanks
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#3  Edited By Blitzriggerlee
Thank you, I know Symphony of the night will be the first thing i download When I go live. And I am still not decided on rock band or guitar hero. I hear Rock Band is better in a lot of ways, but truthfully I would only ever play the guitar aspect of it, which makes me wonder if the heavier price tag is worth it.
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#4  Edited By Blitzriggerlee

So during this tax season I will be investing a good portion of my refund to getting a 360 elite along with a few games. I purchased a 360 day 1, but only had it for a short few months. Events happened where I needed money and had to sell it and have not played a console game since. WoW filled the void for a bit, but I decided to let that one go a couple weeks ago. So I was wondering what gems should I consider getting from the past couple years. I was thinking bioshock and gears of war, not to sure on gears but whatever. I have been keeping up on the recent releases and upcoming releases, so I already know what I want out of the upcoming few months. So is there any must haves that I may not have heard about since I did not keep up with game sites during these last few years?
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#5  Edited By Blitzriggerlee

Whoever started the "capslock is the same as yelling and is considered rude" phenomena needs to be dragged into the street and shot three times in the leg and left to bleed to death. I prefer to write with caps on because it is easier for me to see mistakes in whatever message I am sending and correct them. I also prefer to read all caps from others, its just easier on my eyes.  But sadly people have had this burned into their head that they should take offense to all capital letters since the days of dial-up. What really burns me is that all caps is looked down on, yet constant mispelling of really easy words, or even "shorthand" or "leet" styles of typing are rarely pointed out and if they are the person pointing out the grammical error is usually the one that gets flamed with the most common retort of " dude its just the internet, don't be so serious" 

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#6  Edited By Blitzriggerlee

Never over a game, but I cry at the end of Con-Air, everytime. Why can't she just take the damn bunny!?