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The best part about the bear-and-dog analogy is that Ashley absolutely calls it, and when shit starts to go down in the final game the council (and especially the asari Councilor, previously considered to be the strongest mediator and the least protectionist in the group) is absolutely prepared to throw humanity to the bears in order to buy time for their own races to gather what strength they have. It takes the greatest unifier in the galaxy (Shepard) for them to go "well hey I can't really do much from where I am but here's some folk who might help you out".

Yeah Ashley says some incredibly shitty things, especially during the first game, but even a broken clock is right at least once a day

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I'm just glad that regular folks can now see the gameplay with their own eyes as opposed to listening to press hype it up beyond belief.

I'm also glad that I can temper my expectations accordingly. To me it just looks like the modern Deus Ex format of RPG shooters drawn out to its logical conclusion with a bigger scope and fewer seams. It doesn't look like it's going to redefine the genre or make every other RPG obsolete, it just looks like it'll turn out to be a very dense and detailed game of its genre, blessed with the experience of previous games with fewer technological restrictions to limit its scope. God knows so many of the publications were cranking the hype machine hard since E3 this year.

That said I am still genuinely excited to see how it turns out, and I'm very satisfied at the level of detail that they went into for the demo footage.

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