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This seems like just the thread for me, because I've got a game in mind and I'm totally stuck trying to remember it.

What I (think I) remember:

I believe the game was made with Flash/on the web, and free. I think it was 2D, pixel graphics. I think it was an overhead view. I think you may have started in a military bunker, which may or may not have been abandoned. I think you may have been told to not leave the bunker, but I think you may have had the choice to stay or leave, and maybe received different endings as a result? I seem to remember a maze? I can kind of remember a field or maybe desert plains. There may have been a radio tower or signal coming from a tower? I think a sniper may have shot at you if you left, and you had to somehow avoid him or dodge the shots? I'm really struggling to remember specific details. Some of these details may be wrong. I hope any potential mistakes don't confuse people and make it so you can't help me out.

I think it would be more of an "experiential" or art-house game. I believe it was short, maybe 20-ish minutes in total. I think I played it around 2002-2004, give or take a year. There may have been some kind of surprise or twist that was discovered when leaving the base or bunker or whatever it was.