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BoG's top 30 games of all time: Part 2 (25-21)

25. Mega Man 2

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The quintessential Mega Man title only just beats out Mega Man 9 as my favorite from the series. MM2 wins on childhood memories of plotting Flash Man's demise in kindergarten. The level design is top notch, and loves to use the simplicity of the technology to its advantage. Mega Man has tons of great weapons and gadgets to use, and the game is packed with level variety. There are hours of gameplay to be found doing speed runs and just playing around with the uber difficult levels. Mega Man 2 is a true classic that everyone ought to play.

24. Snatcher

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Snatcher is a menu driven adventure game. The Sega CD classic shows images on the screen with a number of menu commands. You use the menu to investigate the scene. In addition, there is a simple gallery style gun game where enemies appear on a grid, and you are to shoot them. Pretty simple. It's also one of the most intense games I've ever played, and kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. The artwork is fantastic the gameplay sequences are brilliant, and the story is gripping. My heart was pounding the whole way through. It's full of some great puzzles and brain teasers, and involves you in that completely menu driven gameplay. The story is classic Kojima craziness by its closing chapter, but it's certainly a fun ride the whole way through.

23. System Shock 2

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I'm sure many people out there have played Bioshock, yet not it's predecessor, System Shock 2. Essentially, Bioshock is the same thing set underwater with some new characters. A lot of people complained how similar they were. The key difference for me? System Shock 2 is just so much better. There is more depth, with a plethora of ways to customize your character. You have an inventory, creating a greater challenge than you had in Bioshock. It's not as pretty, its story isn't as tight, and it has no bees, but it is a heck of a lot more fun. Also worth noting, it's probably the scariest game I've ever played, even to this day. The visuals may be primitive, but it will still give you frights.

22. Super Metroid

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This game has become a staple of "greatest games" lists, and for very good reason. Super Metroid made the "metroidvania" genre, and many consider it the best game in the genre today. Hours of gameplay lie underneath the surface of Zebes. Having been played hours of the original Metroid with my dad, seeing the sights of Zebes once again in the sequel stirred up a lot of memories when I first started this game up. There are so many areas to explore, each expertly designed. Many games of this style aren't up to the task of being successful as both platform and action games, but Super Metroid succeeds with great platforming sections, and plenty of action. And, to top it all off, the game finishes with one of the greatest final bosses of all time.

21. Braid

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The newest game on my list, but not necessarily the most technologically advanced. Those of you who haven't played Braid ought to be ashamed of yourself. It's brilliant. Braid looks like a platformer, but it's actually a puzzle game. In fact, one thing I love about the game is that it's more than just a game full of puzzles, the whole thing is in itself a big puzzle. The numerous puzzles in each of the games levels are just one layer of the overall puzzle, in addition to deciphering the story, discovering the secrets within the game. I had a great time discussing the story and trying to figure out all the hidden sympbols within the game. Each of the puzzles within the level were brilliant as well. Few games grant you with the same sense of accomplishment that you get after you complete a puzzle in Braid. Every litte detail in Braid is magnificent, and that lands it on my list of all time greats.

Honorable mention: Pikmin 2

Pikmin 2 misses the top 30 because I have yet to finish it. The Pikmin franchise is perhaps the greatest the RTS genre will ever be on consoles. With tons of cool pikmin, great puzzles, and fun levels, you can't miss Pikmin 2.

Well, I'm sure at least someone has to thing I'm totally wrong by now. Stay tuned for more!

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