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Modern Warfare 2 and Vomit

I have been an avid Call of Duty fan for years. I can remember back to the release of COD2 on 360 at launch with fondness. The calling in sick just to play online for hours. What many would call obsessed, which looking back on it was probably the proper term, was some of my most enjoyable online gaming moments of my life. All of that sorta took a turn for the worse when COD3 was released. I really wish I could put a finger on what it was about that game that drove me crazy. Just something about it, probably the annoying medics who found the dreadful act of killing me, reviving me, and then repeating enjoyable. Then there was the stunning transistion from WWII to Modern Warfare that left me with practically no human contact for a month. I can remember the incessant pleasures of my drives home from school and work knowing that the second I walked through the door and turned on my XBOX I would find nothing but gratification in the hours ahead. I don't think I purchased another game for close to a year.  
Anyways, the reason I'm talking about this is because as of recently, and I'm not entirely sure if this is due to finally growing up or just pure and utter discouragement at the changes that have been made to MW2. I, like many, found grenade launchers to be a pest. Being a huge Hardcore Search and Destroy fan found myself thinking the same thing everytime a fellow gamer was able to launch a grenade launch AKA noobtube into our spawn at the beginning of the game. It became such an turn off that I found myself indulging in gametypes such as team deathmatch, which I've for the most part found pointless in the sense that you gain practically nothing at the expense of alot of work. I can remember discussions held with fellow S&D fans, about the great nes that could possibly have existed had IW simply realized that Hardcore fans for the most part are all about the intense firefights and not the randomness that is a death by noobtube. I should have first clarified that I do not think that grenade launchers don't belong in the game. I do believe though that they have their place and it is not at all in the hardcore game modes. If there is anyting that WAW did right was making it rather difficult to get your hands on these exasberating tools of destruction. I digress onces again, with the recent additions of the thumper, AT4 and so on. I have found myself unable to enjoy MW2. I switched to Team Deathmatch once again and still find that the noobtube is rather over powered. I don't intend to speak for everyone, this is purely my opinion on the matter but considering I've only played hardcore settings find that when I look back on all of the hours put into the game. The most consistent moment of enjoyment was back on WAW. A game I at the time did not consider that great. As of now though I find that I really never found myself as frustrated as I currently am.  
I at the moment have put MW2 on my shelf. Actually went out and bought Gears of War 2, which is rather frustrating as well but I think everyone will agree that when you get a kill in that game its very satisfying. Anyways, I don't want to leave this blog as if its unfinished and I should probably wait for more time to finish but I'm pretty busy at the moment and don't know if I'd ever get back to this. All I want to leave you guys with, my non-existent fans, is what is your opinion on this? MW2 in a whole is a great game. I have found myself in many games where nobody used a single grenade launcher and have to say that just about everybody in those lobbies agreed that those were some of the best moments of my online gaming interactions on MW2.